Chapter 14: Dad's home

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Chapter 14 title: Dad's home.
Chapter 14 summary: Peter is waiting  for his  Dad to come home from a long mission.

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A\N: I know I've been absent from this story for a while but I'm slowly getting back into the swing of oneshots. Enjoy.

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Peter is pacing around the living room of the lake house, his bottom lip trapped between his teeth as he watches the clock, the hands ticking away.

"Peter, baby, stop staring at the clock." His mother says gently from the couch where she's watching Lady and the Tramp with Morgan. Peter looks at his mother with a worried look. "Dad should be back by now, why isn't he back?" Peter asks her, his brown eyes wide with fear. "He'll be back soon, Honey, I promise." Pepper tells her son who just sighs and goes back to watching time tick away.

Peter is growling at the clock by the time his Mom's phone rings. "Is that Dad?" Peter demands as she answers it, putting it on speaker, ignoring the question.

Phone call

Pepper: Tony, you better be on your way home because I'm not sure how long I can keep your son from going out and swinging and bringing you home himself with Morgan clinging to his back.

Tony: Underoos, I'm on my way home, do not bring your sister out, just stay inside, I'm five minutes away, I promise.

Peter: That's what Uncle Bruce said when I asked when you'd wake up from your coma after the Snap, he said a week, but you woke up three months later, so forgive me if I won't believe me until you're walking through the door.

Tony: Peter, listen to me, I'm coming home to you, your Mom and your sister. I promise you.

Peter: Yeah, I'll believe you when I see you.

Pepper: He's gone, Tony, he's in his room and slammed the door.

Tony (sighs):  I didn't think he was worrying this much, Pep.

Pepper: I didn't either. He's scared of losing you, Tony, we all are. Look,  just come home, handsome, I think our boy needs his Dad.

Tony: I'm two minutes out, Mrs Stark, see you soon.

Pepper: Hurry up, Mr Stark.

Phone call

Peter stalks out of the living room and walks up to his room, slamming his bedroom door shut, forgetting that his sister is asleep in her bed. He tells F.R.I.D.A.Y to turn on his large tv that's hanging on his wall and lays on his bed, back to the door and looks out of the window at the New York City sky.

He doesn't know how long he's been staring out of his window before he hears his door open and his Dad's soft voice.

"Kiddo?" His Dad's voice is soft as he sits on his bed in close proximity. Peter doesn't answer his Dad.

"Okay, Underoos, you don't wanna talk to me? That's fine but you can at least listen to me> I know you're scared that you won't see me watch me walk through the front door when I walk out of it, but listen to me, Peter, I will always come home to you, your Mom and your sister because you three are the most important people in my life. No matter how far a family is apart, the force of gravity will always keep them together, no far apart I am from you, you can't keep me away." tears stream down Peter's face as he turns around to face his Dad.

"I missed you, Dad." Peter says, burying his face in Dad's lap, loving the feeling of his Dad's new metal fingers stroking his brown curly hair soothingly.

"I missed you too, Kiddo." his Dad says before Peter's eyelids close and Peter falls asleep in his Dad's lap with metal fingers running in and out of his hair.

Pepper finds her boys both asleep in Peter's bed, a smile spreads across her face as she closes the door and goes to her own bedroom, a smile on her face, thankful that her boys and her daughter are all asleep, safe and sound.

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A\N: I know It's taken me ages to upload, but I've been busy with life, enjoy.

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