Chapter 16: Cuddly Spiders

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Chapter 16 title: Cuddly Spiders.

Chapter 16 summary: Morgan and Peter are cuddly towards their parents when they've got a meeting with the Avengers.

A\N: This book will have 20 oneshots, so this is my fifth to last one, and due to everything that is going on with me, these will be very short.

"Underoos, you've got to let me go." Peter wines and clings onto his Dad even harder as his Dad tries to shake him off him.

"No!" Peter whines, using his sticky powers to stick to his Dad. he doesn't know why but when he woke up, he was in his parents bed, cuddling his Dad and has refused to let him go ever since.

"What's going on with you today, bud? Why are you sticking to me?" His Dad asks as he sits down on the couch, Peter shrugs. That's what I want to know. The spider teen thinks to himself, burying his face in his dad's shoulder blades. Peter sighs contentedly as he hears his Mom's heels clacking on the hardwood floor.

"Morgan, baby, you've got to let me go, Mommy has to go to a meeting," His Mom says as she enters the living room with Morgan on her hip.

"You're in the same position I am." His Dad says as Pepper sits down, nodding. "Yep."

"What are we gonna do about the meeting with these two being cuddly spiders?" Tony asks with a smile.

"Take us with you?" Morgan asks, placing her head on Pepper's shoulder, looking at her Dad with big eyes. Peter smiles as he watches his Dad think. "All right, we'll take them, after all it's just the team." His Dad concedes as he stands up, adjusting Peter on his back and holding his hand out for Pepper to take.

Peter and Morgan's laughter echoes throughout Stark Tower as their parents run down the corridors to the Conference room where the Team meeting will be taking place.

Peter smiles as the conference room doors open to reveal The Avengers all sitting at the table.

"Hey guys." His Dad says, capturing the team's attention. Rhodey smirks at the Stark kids.

"Are they in Cuddly Spider mode again, Tones?" The Colonel  says. Peter nods enthusiastically at his uncle.

"Yep!" Morgan squeals from Pepper's hip.

"Okay cuddly spiders, Mommy and Daddy need you to be quiet until we finish this meeting, okay?" Peter and Morgan nod and fall quiet, resting their heads on their parents shoulders and closing their eyes.

Peter blinks slowly, inhaling a whiff of his Dad's personal scent; coffee, motor oil, sweat and shower products as he sits upon the couch. "What? Where am I? How did I get here?" The young superhero asks, his voice full of sleep. His Dad smiles at him. "Easy, underoos, you fell asleep in the meeting and didn't wake up. You've been asleep for almost two hours." Peter nods and drops his head on his Dad's shoulder.

"I love you Dad." Peter says to his Dad before he hears the pitter-patter of feet on the hardwood floor and sees Morgan running towards the couch and barrelling onto Tony's lap and resting her head where his arc rest used to be.

"I love you too, Daddy." the little girl says. Tony kisses his daughter's head and looks at both of them.

"I love you both 3000, my cuddly spiders."

A\N: 16 oneshots!!

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