Chapter 11: Coming back home

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Chapter 11 title: Coming back home.
Chapter 11 summary: Peter Stark is coming back home after he was kidnapped 2 years ago.

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A\N: I've had MAJOR writers block on the last chapter! This will be the shortest one EVER! Enjoy chapter 11!

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Tony watches with tears in his eyes, his arms around his wife and daughter, as the jet doors open, revealing his son who he hasn't seen in two years, all of them standing where Pepper stood to greet him when he came home from the Afghan all those years ago with red eyes, and here there are shin, but this time they're greeting their son who disappeared two years ago.

"Peter!" Morgan yells, tears falling down her face as she runs to her big brother and jumps into his arms. Tony watches as Peter drops his little bag and hugs his sister close to him, wrapping his arms around her, burying his nose into her hair.

Tony and Pepper have their arms around each other and tears falling down their faces as  they watch their two kids reunite after two years apart. Peter lifts his head from his sisters and starts walking towards them slowly, carrying Morgan.

Peter doesn't say anything before Tony and Pepper both hug him, hard.

Rhodey, who escorted his nephew back home, smiles at the family reunion, lets a smile onto his face as the family of four all fall to their knees on the tarmac, all crying with relief that their Spider-baby is home. He grabs his cellphone and takes a picture of the four Starks and sends it to the family group chat that has him, Tony, Pepper, Peter, Morgan and the rest of the team, with one small caption:

Our Spider-baby is home, now and always.

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A/N: I know this is a short chapter but my motivation is slightly slipping away, hope you're still interested in reading this story.

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