Chapter 15: Suspended

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Chapter 15 title: Suspended.

Chapter 15 summary: Peter gets suspended and his parents want to know why.

A\N: I know, I know, you're all mad at me, I'm mad at me too, but I'm doing a ton of updates to compensate.

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"He's suspended?!" Tony Stark yells into his phone, pacing around his lab. A sigh comes from the other end of the phone.

"Yes, Tony, he is." Comes the voice of a very exasperated voice of May Parker.

"Why?!" The billionaire asks. Why would the kid be suspended?! He asks himself. Another sigh comes from May.

"He slammed a kid into a wall and punched him several times, Tony, but he wouldn't tell me why he did it, not when I gave him chance after chance to tell me, he's locked himself in his room and won't come out."

"How long is he suspended for?" Tony asks May,

"A week, depending on if or not he comes clean on why he hit the kid, but if he doesn't, then it's a full week, maybe then some." May explains. Tony looks at his workshop doors and smiles tightly at his wife as she enters the workshop.

"Well considering that you've got that conference in Seattle tomorrow for the rest of the week, why doesn't Peter come here, I'll get him to tell me the story and we can work something out." Tony says automatically. He's curious as to why his kid, his sweet kid, slammed a non-villain up into a wall and attacked them.

"Tony, I don't know, if he's hanging out with you, he might not see it as a punishment, even if you are in the process of adopting him." May says.

"But he won't be 'hanging out with us', May, he'll be given chores to do around the tower after his homework, this won't be a regular pizza and Star Wars sleepover party, this'll be punishment." Tony explains, kissing his wife on her temple as she steps into his arms. "Put her on speaker." Pepper whispers in his ear. Tony nods, obeying his wife and puts May on speaker.

"May, you're on speaker." Tony tells his soon-to-be-adopted-son's- aunt.

"Alright, but until he comes clean as to why he punched the kid, no tv, no phone, no laptop unless it's for homework and no friends over." May orders firmly, relenting.

"We also need to make him realise that just because he's in trouble as Peter Parker, he's not off the hook as Spider-man either, so no Spider-Man or working on his suits until he's come clean either." Tony says, surprising both Pepper and May. "That'll make him pissed and more  open to talk about everything, Tony, that's amazing!" Pepper says with a smile at him, Tony beams at her praise.

"Your wife's right, Tony, I'll bring him there tonight." May says before hanging up with the superhero. 

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Tony and Pepper sit on the couch, watching a movie when the elevator dings, alerting the power couple to their son who is yelling at his aunt.

"I can't believe you don't trust me to stay home alone for a week, May, I'm almost 16, I'm not a kid, so stop treating me like one!" Peter yells as they step out of the elevator.

"Well, when you start acting like an almost  16 year old and not get suspended, then we'll talk about me treating you like a 16 year old, but until  then, you're staying with your parents, now, I've gotta go if I wanna catch my flight, I larb you, sweetie." May says, kissing her fuming nephew's hair and mouthing 'good luck' to Tony and Pepper and walking back into the elevator. Pepper looks at Peter with a frown, Peter scoffs and rolls his brown Bambi eyes and throws himself down on the other end of the l-shaped couch.

"Oh don't tell me she tattled on me to you about my suspension?" Peter asks rhetorically. Tony grits his teeth. God, the kid's only been here less than five minutes and he's pissing me off. Tony thinks to himself.  "Alright kid, 1, drop the attitude right now, and 2, we've got a few ground rules for while you're here." Tony says as he watches his son's eyes lock on his.

"Oh come on, rules? Didn't you hear me before? I'm not a goddamn child!" Peter shouts, standing up and pacing around. Pepper glares at her son in annoyance.

"Yes, Peter, rules, just because you're staying here, doesn't mean it's going to be fun week of pizza and Star Wars! You got suspended for slamming a kid up against a wall and punching him, for reasons we still don't know, so until you tell us why, you're grounded." Pepper says firmly, crossing her arms over her chest. "The rules are simple, even you should be able to follow them without tacking time onto your grounding, during the day you'll be doing all the homework and class work your teachers have supplied so you don't fall behind, then after you've done all your school work, F.R.I.D.A.Y will give you a list of chores to do, you're not allowed to watch TV but you are allowed your laptop for schoolwork, you'll get it in the morning then you'll hand it to us when we come home,  then when me and your father come home, we'll have a home cooked dinner and watch a movie. Do you understand?" Pepper asks, Peter grumbles. "So after I've done the chores, I can go out Spider-Manning." Peter says, a smile slipping onto his face. Pepper gives her husband a look as Tony gets to his feet.

"Actually, kid, just because you're in trouble as Peter, doesn't mean Spider-Man is off scott free. No Spider-Man or working in the lab with me until you tell us why you're suspended. However long that is, is up to you." Tony tells his son who reacts just as Tony expected him to react. Peter throws a murderous glare at his parents.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You can't take Spider-Man away from me!" Peter explodes. Tony looks at his son.

"No one's taking Spider-Man away from you, you're just not going out as him until you tell us why you slammed the kid up against a wall and proceeded to punch him." The engineer says firmly. Peter groans and storms from the living room, slamming his bedroom door shut. Tony looks at his wife.

"Well that went well." He tells his wife sarcastically who hums in agreement.

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Tony and Pepper are laying on the couch in the living room when their son storms into the room, looking royally pissed off.

"Okay, you two wanna know why I slammed that kid up against a wall and punched him?" Peter asks sarcastically as he stares at his soon-to-be adopted parents, who nod their head, sitting up.

"Flash was telling me that the only reason that you're adopting me is to get more publicly, and that even though it'll look like you've adopted me to the world, once the cameras go away and the media dies down, you'll get rid of me and it'll be like I never existed because I don't mean anything you guys." Peter says to his silently fuming parents. Peter scoffs. "Of course you'll get rid of me because I'm nothing but an orphan whose parents died in order to get away from him, as well as his uncle, and pretty soon so  will Aunt May." Peter says to himself, swiping the tears that have fallen off his cheeks. Tony and Pepper look at one another before getting out off the couch and grabbing their son in a hug.

"Underoos, listen to us, Flash is just a fucking idiot, we want to adopt you because you're our son and we love you. We're not going to get rid of you, not now, not ever, you hear me?" Tony asks his son. He can't wait to pay this Flash boy a visit and hurt him for hurting his son. Tony feels his son nod into his chest. Pepper gives Tony a knowing look over their son's flop of  brown hair that says.

Hurt this kid, Tony. Tony nods at his wife.

Oh he won't just hurt this Flash kid, he'll make the boy regret ever laying his eyes on Peter Parker-Stark.

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A/N: I know, I know, but I've got a lot going on, I've got a job interview next week, wish me luck.

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