Chapter 4: Insomnia

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Chapter four title: Insomnia

Chapter four summary: Peter can't sleep because of nightmares, so he starts staying awake, until his parents order him to get some sleep. Peter finds the perfect way to sleep: cuddling up with Morgan.

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A/N: Chapter 4, enjoy.

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Peter wakes up with sweat covering his body.

Another nightmare. His mind tells him as he climbs out of bed to stumble to his en-suite bathroom. He strips out of his sweat soaked pyjamas  and steps into the steaming shower that F.R.I.D.A.Y must've put on for him before he entered the bathroom. He stands underneath the shower, allowing the hot, scalding water to wash away the remains of the nightmare. He turns off the water and steps out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist. He walks back into his room and sets his lights to 50%. Peter sighs as he dries himself with his towel and throws on a clean-ish pair of sweats and one of his Dad's MIT t-shirts before leaving his room.

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Peter pads into the kitchen, setting the lights at 45% and proceeds to make himself a coffee with a lot of sugar. He sits at the island and drinks it, facing the floor-to-ceiling windows, watching as the sun slowly comes up and watching as the skyscrapers lights turn off.

"F.R.I, what's the time?" Peter asks the AI that's wired throughout the entire tower.

"It's 5:30." Says a voice that definitely is not F.R.I.D.A.Y. Peter slowly turns his head over his shoulder and sees his parents, Tony and Pepper, in the entrance to the kitchen, wearing matching frowns.

"What are you doing awake and drinking coffee  at this time? Baby spiders need 8 hours sleep but according to F.R.I.D.A.Y, you've only had two hours, what's going on?" Tony asks as he sits next to Peter, Pepper following suit. Peter sips his coffee.

"Nothing." He snaps at his Dad who frown deepens. "Kid, you're wearing my old t-shirt and you only do that when you need comfort from me, now what's going on? Why are you awake at this time in the morning on a Saturday?" Tony prods, Peter sighs and stares at his coffee.

"Nightmares." The teen mutters. He hears his parents sigh softly as he's brought into a hug by his Mom. "Oh baby, why didn't you come to us?" She asks as Peter breaks away from the hug and laughs bitterly.

"I'm 16! I don't need Mommy and Daddy to chase the bad guys away! And in case you two forgot, I'm a superhero!" Peter shouts at his parents, standing up, ignoring the time and that his little sister is still in bed. Seeing that his parents are quiet, Peter grabs  his coffee and stalks to his lab, ignoring the look his Mom is giving his Dad.

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Peter doesn't talk to anyone the rest of the day, and only comes out of his lab to refill his coffee cup and to eat with his family.

"Are you okay, Petey?" His little sister, Morgan, asks him as he eats a sandwich for lunch. Peter ignores her and puts his plate in the sink.

"Peter, answer your sister." Orders a stern voice from the table. He glares at his Dad before plastering a fake smile on his face for his sister.

"I'm fine, Morgan." He tells her, moving toward the table to drop a kiss on her head.

"I'm in my lab if you need me, SpiderMonkey." He tells her as he leaves the kitchen.

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MiniStark, BabyStark is requesting your presence in the living room. F.R.I.D.A.Y says to the teen who is hunched over his web shooters. Peter huffs as he leaves his lab.

He reaches his destination and frowns when he sees his parents waiting for him on the couch, with Morgan nowhere in sight.

"Where's Morgan? F.R.I.D.A.Y told me that she requested me." He asks his parents.

"She's in bed and she didn't request you, me and your Dad did, we only used Morgan because we knew it was the only way to get you out of your lab." Pepper says, picking up her wine glass and taking a sip.

"You've been up for 18 hours and you're exhausted, Underoos. You need to sleep, so go get changed into your pyjamas and go back to bed." Tony orders. Peter can't say no to his Dad when he uses the 'Underoos' nickname in that tone of voice.

"Okay, goodnight." Peter says before kissing his Mom on the cheek and hugging his Dad and leaving the living room.

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After changing into a new pair of sweats and t-shirt, Peter checks on his sister who is asleep in her bed, a stuffed cat in her arms.

"Goodnight, SpiderMonkey." Peter whispers in her ear.

"Petey?" A little, sleepy voice says his name. Peter turns back to her.

"What's up, SpiderMonkey?" He asks, Morgan smiles.

"Stay?" She asks me around a yawn, Peter smiles before joining his sister in her large bed.

With his sister enveloped in his arms and his parents in the living room, Peter falls into a dreamless sleep.

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A/N: Chapter 4! Enjoy.

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