Chapter 17: Nightmares

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Chapter 17 title: Nightmares.

Chapter 17 summary: When his son starts having nightmares, Tony and his girls sleep in Peter's bed to protect him from his demons.

A\N: My fourth to last oneshot, enjoy.

Tony groans as the all too familiar scream of his son reaches his ears for the second time in a row, Pepper stirs and wakes up beside him. "Peter again?" His wife asks sleepily as she sits up. Tony nods as he gets out of bed and leaves his room, running to his son's room, Pepper on his tail.

Tony bursts into his son's room, switching on his son's bedside light before starting to wake him up.

"Peter, wake up, it's not real, it's a nightmare, it's not real, come on Underoos, you're safe here. Just wake up for me!" Tony says loudly, shaking his kid on his shoulder. Peter wakes up with a cry.

"Dad!" His son shouts as he shoots up, a wild look in his brown eyes.

"Hey, hey, Underoos, I'm right here." Tony tells his son, sitting beside him and drawing him into a hug. Tears drip from his son's eyes onto his AC\DC t-shirt, but Tony doesn't mind as he rubs his son's back, smiling a little when he sees his girls in the doorway, arms full of pillows, blankets and sleeping bags. "Is he okay, Daddy?" Morgan asks from the doorway. Tony sighs. His son is losing sleep because of nightmares, his daughter is losing sleep because her brother's screams keep her awake, his wife is losing sleep because she's worried about their children and Tony is losing sleep because he feels guilty, guilty for pushing the superhero thigh onto him far too young. They've not gotten a proper good night's sleep in two weeks. Looking at his daughter, Tony shakes his head sadly.

"No, Morgana, he's not, he's had another nightmare." Morgan pouts sadly before dropping the items in her hands and running into the room and climbing onto the other side of Peter and hugging him as tightly as a tired little five year old girl can. "Don't worry, Peter, Me, Mommy and Daddy are here to fight off any bad guys, especially Daddy because he won't let anyone hurt you." Morgan whispers as her little brown eyes close and she falls asleep with her head on Peter's back. Tony looks at his wife and gives her a smile as she walks deeper into the room, spreading out sleeping bags, pillows and blankets on the floor, on either side of the bed. "I have a feeling that Peter won't let you go if you try to pull away from him." Pepper says, picking up their slumbering daughter and placing in her Disney Princess sleeping bag and covering her with her Avengers blanket. With a kiss to Peter's forehead and Tony's lips, Pepper slips into her own sleeping bag and falls asleep before her head touches the pillow.

With both his girls out like lights, Tony focuses his attention on his son who is snuffling into Tony's chest.

"D..don't leave me, please." His son whispers hoarsely. Tony sighs and kisses his son's mop of chocolate brown hair.

"Never. I'll never leave you, Underoos." Tony whispers to his son as he lies down, pulling Peter's head to rest on his chest.

"Sleep, Underoos, me, Mom and Morgan will still be here when you wake up, we're not going anywhere, I promise." Tony tells his son in the darkness of his room.

Tony listens to his son's snuffles, his daughter's soft snores, his wife's even breathing and lets the sounds of his family's sleeping lull him into a peaceful slumber.

A\N: It's short I know but it's all I've got right now, enjoy.

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