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Eagle's POV:

     This itchy bandana was getting on my nerves. My friends and I being me, Bear, Elora, Cheese, and my kid sister and Irish twin, Willie Jack were hiding behind a building to go boost a chip truck. I know I know stealing is very, very wrong, don't do this at home. Believe me, I feel guilty every time but we have a good reason.

     We live on a reservation, and it's all beat up and this place is just junk. About a year back this place wrecked my cousin, Daniel. He sadly passed away. And in honor of him and his dream of going to California, we are all tryna get outta here.

     We waited until the truck driver went in the building and we went for it. Willie Jack and Cheese tried to pull the slope back into the truck until they just gave up. Bear climbed into the passenger seat while I went to the drivers seat. Elora poked her head out from behind us and started rushing me to hurry up. She usually drives when we do stuff like this because she's trying to get her license soon but I need to learn too, so we agreed I could drive today. I listened to her of course 'cause she is a little scary. Bear was panicking like a huge idiot until we took off.

     Bear was screaming at the both of us about not giving him time to buckle up and Elora wasn't having it.

     "I'm just saying it doesn't scream 'badass' when you have to fucking buckle up before jacking a car." Elora retorted back.


     'UGHHHH' I'm so done with these two.

     Willie Jack and Cheese were having the time of their lives back there, eating all the 'Flaming Flamers' chips in the boxes. We took a sharp turn and Cheese freaked out.

     "SAVE THE CHIPS, THEY'RE FALLING OUT!" Cheese screamed.

     "Wait, my mom's texting me." Said Willie Jack nonchalantly.

     We lost a few bags. Oh well, life goes on.

     We arrived at the junk yard gates and Bear suggest that I honk to get in. The gates just open and I went to give him a fist bump.


     "Stoodis" (native humor)

     The junk yard dude hit the car with a pool table stick.

     "Halt!" He exclaimed.

     What? This is such a weird place.

     "Anyone follow you?" The dude asked.

     "No. No one's following." Bear said back a little nervous.

     He was kind cute when he was nervous. Wait what. I did not just think that. Nah.

     "Yeah, just like his insta." Elora joked. I couldn't help but laugh a little.

     "We ain't amateurs, man." I said back.

     The dude for some reason kicked the truck and told us that Kenny was waiting for us in his office. Then he made a terrible pool stick cue joke.

     "I'll kick him in the nuts and then you two grab the first thing you see and throw it at him." Elora told us the plan and me and Bear were on board.

     Me and Elora went to go get the other two and Bear was stuck 'cause he decided to buckle up. Talking about some "wait for me". Oh well.

     "Oh shit. What up?" Willie Jack asked the dude. 

     "Watch your mouth." I told her. That girl has some serious cussing issues, gosh.

     "Keep an eye on the chips." Bear told Cheese.

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