Quote Unquote 'Dad'

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Bear's POV:

Me and everyone, including Cheese, yes he's back, we were shopping and watching the new music video my dad made. Haven't seen him in like two years. Him and my mom split up a long while ago.

"Hey, so, what do rappers like to eat?" Cheese asked us.

"What do they eat?" Eagle repeated, making sure she heard him right.

"My dad likes pizza 'Lunchables'." I said. "Y'know, with string cheese, and stuff like that. Normal stuff." I shrugged.

"How do you know? Fuck." Willie Jack asked all smart.

"Well, I know him. And, uh, you know.. How about we split up right now?" I said. I think we should all look around the store. I told everyone the 'mission' on what to get. Maybe now I can finally talk to Eagle, y'know just talk.

"Bro, my dad's song is going viral!" I told Eagle while singing the song quietly. She looked unsure. Like she knew something I didn't.

"Not tryna be rude or nothing but where is your dad? Haven't seen him around here in a while." She asked.

"I don't really know, he's been in L.A. He hasn't been over here in two years but I'm really hoping he'll stop by some time soon. He said he would."

She smiled, not like a regular Eagle smile but a sad one? She knew something. I don't know how to explain it.

We grabbed the cookies and I saw a 'Godzilla' movie and grabbed it, y'know for when my dad gets here. I was so excited for him to get here.

"You must not be excited for your dad to get here." Eagle said sarcastically.

"Haha." I laughed back blandly. "This movie is so sick!"

"Lemme see that." She grabbed it from my hand, inspecting the description. "This is gonna fry your brain like the fry-bread in your dad's music video." She laughed handing the dvd back and walking away.

"Heyyy!" I whined after her.

Cheese POV:

Y'know Bear's dad's song "Greasy Frybread" is really catchy... anyway, I was sent to go to the deli and I found it! It's so funny 'cause I was sent to get meat and cheese... AND MY NAME IS CHEESE! What are the odds?

Bear's POV:

We all got the groceries and met up at the cash register.

"For when my dad gets here." I showed Elora the movie.

"Only 'cause he's your dad, though." Elora said, passing the money to Eagle to pass the money to me.

"Thank you." I smiled. "I was thinking about if I should get him a gift, you know? Like a beaded medallion."

"Oh yeah, that'd be sick." Cheese smiled.

"Yeah, Native rappers love those. Probably can't get one in L.A." I said.

"Oh yeah, that-that is true, that is true." Cheese agreed. Man, I love that kid.

"Know where I can get a beaded medallion from?" I asked them.

"Auntie B." Willie Jack suggested.

"Oh no." Eagle facepalmed.

"Oh my gosh, bro. Why?" I whined.

"Hell no." Elora added.

"That's terrible." Cheese said.

"I had a feeling she'd say that." Eagle said. We all laughed while Willie Jack threw her hands behind her tryna get rid of the 'negative energy.'

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