Slumber Party

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Eagle's POV:

     I gathered all my things and packed my bag to get ready to head over to Bear's house for the slumber party! I got all my stuff, yes I remembered my toothbrush, and walked out my room.

     "Eeee, you finna snag or what?" Willie Jack asked, standing in front of me, looking all smug.

     "SHUT UP!" I yelled and grabbed the side of her head and pushed her outta my way.

     "AHHHH!" She yelled.

     "Shut up! Move, you weasel!" I yelled back.

     "Don't get fucked up." She says.

     "Your mama." I replied and walked out saying bye to my parents.

     I walked over to Bears house and knock on the door. I heard running around and then the door opened.

"Hey, Eagle! Good to see you again!" Bears mom says.

"Hi, Ms. Smallhill, nice to see you too." I smiled at her.

"Bear's inside, come on in."

I walk inside and it smells like frybread. I'm definitely gonna beat someone in every single game. Watch.


     Again I heard running around and screaming.

"Well... he won't be out for a minute. Wanna help me with this frybread?" Ms. Smallhill asked, of course I said yes.

After about seven minutes, Bear's door flew open and I washed the flour off my hands.

     "Hey, Eagle. Ready to get your butt kicked."

     "You wish." I rolled my eyes.

"Bear, don't be rude. Eagle was helping me out!" Ms. Smallhill scolded Bear.

"Sorry ma, but now she's mine." Bear grabbed my hand and walked to his room.


     "Hey look." Bear said and pulled out that Jelly Bean game. NO THOSE ARE NASTY.

"NO!" I shout, I probably should've ran out that house.

Long story short, he made me play the game.

"AHHH, THAT'S DIRTY SOCKS!" Bear yelled in disgust. I'm surprised I'm winning here.

"AAAAHA" I scream-laughed while Bear basically died.

"You know what, I'll give you that... Oh yeah! But now we gotta get back at Willie Jack.." Bear admitted, wiggling his eyebrows.p

A couple months ago, Willie Jack had locked me and Bear in the in the local Muscogee shelter and tried to scare the daylights out of us for an April Fools prank. She even added the white sheets to the hanging coat hangers to make it look like ghosts. I didn't buy ANY of it especially because I found the paper Willie Jack had drawn out her plans on in the dining room.

     "She'll get angry and tell our mom to throw me out the house." I rolled my eyes remembering Willie Jacks strong youngest child syndrome. "And she'd probably do it."

"Come on, we can throw her in Old Man Macklie's pond....?" Bear said, again, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Fine! but we gotta be sneaky. Like kidnap her."

We ran out the house so fast that Bear's mom didn't even see us and raced down to my house where, thankfully, Willie Jack was in the backyard with her... floaties in the kiddie pool? Bro, I need to take a picture of that immediately.

"I'm so gonna use this as a meme!" Bear laughs trying not to be so loud as we approach around the corner. "She looks like a grown woman doing the most childish thing."

Like I said, youngest child syndrome.

"You grab her legs and i'll grab her arms and we hurry and drag her to the pond and dart, ok??" I made the plan on the spot. We really need to start thinking things through beforehand.

"Go!" Bear yells and we run and snatch up Willie Jack.




"YOU DONE DROPPED HER!" Bear screamed.

"THAT WAS YOU, DIP!" I screamed back, clearly seeing Willie's legs on the ground. This whole time she was screaming bloody murder like she didn't see it was us already. No one really cared either.

So he picked her back up and we got to the pond.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO! YOU-" She screamed out like the pond wasn't a foot deep, if that. At least she has floaties.

We ran what seemed faster than the fastest man alive back to Bear's house so her swampy butt couldn't get us. Now i'm scared to go home 'cause my mom's gonna be SO mad.


It was about 7:15 pm (19:15) now and after playing Mario Cart (and winning) a bunch of times, Ms. Smallhill called us for dinner. We said grace and started eating.

(the rest of this might be really boring, i'm so so so sorry)

"So how are you two doing?" Ms. Smallhill smiles and looks at me and Bear and we both look at each other.

"Fine? Why?" Bear asks confused.

"Oh just because I know you two have a special little thing going on." She responds.

Native moms have absolutely NO CHILL. Straight forward as can be. That escalated too quickly.

"WHAT?" We both yelp and choke on the food. I held the napkin to my face. I would be lying if I said I wasn't cheesing under that napkin bro.

"Mom really?!" Bear whisper-yelled to his his mother.

     "Am I wrong?" She snapped back.


     "Okay, mom, thank you. We're going back to the room now." Bear said, staring into space and we both got up and walked away after putting our plates up.

     Now I'm scared of talking to his mom. How did she know I like him? Does he like me? I'm thinking way too much and we haven't even reached the door.

     "Sorry about my mom. She's kinda..." Bear's words floated off trying to think.

     "It's alright, really. My mom is wayyy worse." I brag out my words just thinking about what kind of wack stuff my mom would say.

     "Soooo... time for sleep?"

     "Yeah, running from Willie Jack really had me tired."

     There's that silence again. Only this time it's just the two of us.

     "Okay, we'll goodnight, Bear."

     "Yeah, goodnight E."

     Great. Now I can't sleep. This air mattress is comfortable too. But still can't sleep.

I'M SO SORRY. I HAD THE WORST WRITERS BLOCK AND THIS CHAPTER WAS SO GARBAGE. i'm going to keep going with the show plot now though so no more of my bad ideas (for now). i saw too many people waiting and I'm so sorry for this disappointment but thank you sooo very much and God bless💗

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