Busted Nose

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Bear's POV:

     I was just walking in the rez, minding my own damn business, listening to my own damn music. When some glass bottle is thrown at me? It's the freaking NDN mafia.

     "What's wrong, little Rez Dog?" Jackie asked with her bitchy voice. "Scared?"

     "No." I stated back. I ain't chicken. "Let's go man. Stoodis." I'm in my fighting stance. I wanna show them who's boss.

     They jumped at me, knocked me to the ground. Just there getting the shit kicked outta me, y'know, what's up with you?

     Finally, the jerks stopped, after White Steve kicked me one last time that is. I could stand back up. My nose was bleeding and shit.

     I woke up in that vision thing that I had like right after we got paint balled. I didn't tell nobody though.

     "Aho! Young Warrior! Crazy Hair!" That crazy spirit again.

     "Got beat up again, huh? Me, back in my day, I would've went at 'em like that, you know?" He said with some type of fighting pose. "Threw a spear at that little kids head, y'know that little white one? But yeah you probably should've ran!"

     "I got some good ones in." I stated tryna defend myself.

     He talked about Custer and how he died or whatever.

     "I'm not gonna be here forever, so..." I shrugged.

     "The moment we're born, we're gonna die." He said, whatever that means.

     "No I mean California."

     "California! Aho! Yeah! That's where you're gonna go? Run away? Head off West. Dreaming big. They all just wanna run away. We are all just... running away."

     "I'm not running away." I told him.

     He told me in the meantime I should go to the clinic. And that my nose looks fucked. Man, it was bleeding like hell. Then the spirit was gone.

     I headed to the clinic where I told everyone to meet up and they pulled lawn chairs out of the trunk.

     "Hey Eagle, come check this out." I told Eagle to look at my fucked up nose. "Can't tell if it's broken or not." I said while she's twisting and turning my face everywhere. My face was all red or whatever. What else is there to see?

     "Probably got brain bleed." Cheese said.

     "We get it. You got smoked." Willie Jack retorted.

     "I don't think I got a brain bleed," I said ignoring Willie's smart ass comment. "but, uh, I'm gonna go get checked in, all right?"

     "We'll be out front." Elora blandly tells me again.

     "All right. Do your thing."

     "Making that money..!"

     I walked in and tried to sign myself in but my nose kept bleeding on the paper.

     "Start over." The sassy woman at the counter said.

     "I've been here like a thousand times. You don't have any of my info in there somewhere?" I asked, expecting for there to be some kind of file. "My mom works here."

     I had to explain how I got in a fight and busted my nose to the lady. Y'know, had to tell her I got some good ones in though. I told her about that patient-doctor protocol and how she can't tell my mom about it.

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