Because there are no second chances in death (part 02)

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"Okay, this is ridiculous," Ever said absolutely dumbfounded. "Psychics? Zombies? What's next? You're going to tell me vampires and werewolves are real, too?"

Walt replied, "We're really not as crazy as you think. Well, Granny and I aren't at least."

"Hey!" Warrick said. "I'm way more normal than you!"

"Yeah? Then, show me the ten most recent photos you have saved on your phone."

Warrick opened his mouth, only to immediately close it. His inspiration hunting had often led him to some odd places on the internet. It couldn't be helped. He would let his brother take the win this time.

Meanwhile, Granny was still very much in her state of nostalgia. "I dated several werewolves back in the day. Oh, how energetic they got during the full moon. They could last the entire night."

She had both of her grandchildren disturbed at the confession of her wilder past. Warrick recovered first, now feeling compelled to check out the werewolf dating app he had stumbled across a few days ago.

"The entire night, huh—"

"Can we get back to the topic at hand?" Ever asked.

"Alright," Walt said, "I'm sure you must have a lot of questions right now."

"A lot can't even begin to cover it. First off, let's say that everything you just told me really is true."

"It is."

"Rest in peace, Fred," Warrick added as both he and Granny put a hand over their hearts.

Ever narrowed her eyes at the trio, still not convinced. "Okay, tell me, then. Now what? Am I going to turn into a zombie too like your rabbit?"

"Not quite," Walt replied. "Warrick and I were too naïve when we brought Fred back. We hadn't taken any precautions."


"Even if your spirit has returned to your body, our chant wasn't strong enough to be able to fully resurrect you. Since your physical self is still technically dead, you should start decomposing very soon."


"Don't panic, though. Unlike with Fred, we used an additional spell to keep your body's state preserved for the time being."

"Wait, what do you mean for the time being?"

Walt pointed to Ever's neck. "That ribbon is connecting our spirits to yours."

Although Ever didn't understand any of this, she nodded for Walt to continue his explanation anyway. He picked up the confusion on her face.

"Basically, the three of us are currently acting as your life battery. As long as you keep receiving a steady flow of spirit energy from us, you'll be fine."

"But batteries eventually run out," Warrick added unamusingly. "And it takes a hell of a lot of energy to keep a person alive."

"Then, how much time do I have?" Ever asked.

She had given in by then and decided to roll with the conversation for now. The boys looked too serious for this simply to be a joke.

"A few months," Walt replied, though he didn't sound too confident about it. "If in the worst-case scenario we fail to completely bring you back... Well, we'll be left with no choice but to do what we did with Fred."

"What did you do with Fred...?" Ever asked reluctantly.

She wasn't entirely sure she wanted to hear what her fate might soon become. Even so, it seemed better knowing than not knowing. Unfortunately, the twins hesitated in silence once again.

"What the fuck happened to Fred?"

"Language, Warrick," Granny said.

"But, Granny! That wasn't even me this time!"

Walt sighed at the inevitable confession to come. "How familiar are you with zombie movies?"

Ever tilted her head at him in confusion. "Why does that matter?"

"Do you know how zombies usually get put down?"

"Uh, they're shot in the head...?"

"Exactly. The only way to kill a zombie is to attack the brain."

"In other words," Warrick said, "Walt bashed Fred's head in with a hammer."

"What the fu—"

"It had to be done," Walt quickly explained, followed by another sigh. "Besides, don't even try to act innocent, Warrick. You wanted to run him over with Dad's car."

"Jesus! What is wrong with both of you?"

Warrick defended, "Hey, at least I didn't go through with it!"

"Which is why I had to go and use the hammer before Fred could eat the neighbor's dog."

"I can't fucking believe any of this," Ever said under her breath.

It was more that she didn't want to at this point. She really did not want to imagine her head being crushed by a building tool. But now that the thought had surfaced, it wouldn't go away.

"Your head's going to be fine," Walt reassured. "Not only do we have a few months to figure this out, but Granny knows a guy who can help us."

The focus in the room shifted to the elderly woman. She needed a moment to recall the fact that she did indeed know a guy. And it wasn't one of her past werewolf lovers.

"Ah, yes. Merlin."

"Merlin?" Ever repeated.

Although she wasn't much of a fantasy fan, she was familiar enough with the name of the famous wizard. With everything else she had heard today, nothing seemed capable of surprising her anymore.

Psychics, zombies, werewolves. Why the hell not add wizards into the mix?

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