When three idiots sort of kidnapped someone

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In a way, Archer and Skyler were glad Cooper took the wheel for the task of bringing Rags's ex-boyfriend to her. There would have been no easy way to convince him that his past girlfriend came back as a ghost and just casually wanted to chat about life, or the lack thereof in her case. Perhaps the only solution to persuading someone to believe something so out of the ordinary was to use an equally ridiculous tactic. Luckily, Cooper was the rainbow prince of ridiculousness.

"There he is," Cooper said when he spotted Jack leaving his workplace. He passed a signaling nod to Archer and Skyler who were both dressed fully in black with a scarf wrapped around the lower half of their faces.

Once Jack was a little distance away from the café entrance and alone on the sidewalk, the two friends went into action. They snuck up on the man from behind and each grabbed an arm, pulling him into a dark alleyway.

"W-What the fuck is going on?" Jack anxiously asked when he was brought in front of a hooded man who reminded him of the grim reaper with how bony his hands and wrists were.

This was really Cooper wearing Archer's black sweatshirt which was too big on him, making him seem even thinner than he already was. In the lowest and most serious voice he could manage, he said, "Do you know why you were brought here?"

Unfortunately, the words Cooper and serious should never be used in the same sentence. His voice sounded like a bad impression of Santa Claus more than anything else.

Jack lost most of his previous fear at this comedic scene. He replied, "No, I don't. Look, I don't owe anyone anything, and I'm broke as hell, so just let me go."

"Like, we're not after your money, man." Cooper slowly began to pull away his hood to reveal his face. "I happen to be a medium. That explains why this extra-large sweatshirt so isn't doing it for me."

Archer cleared his throat. He whispered, "This isn't the time to be making puns, Coops."

"Uh, right. As I was saying, I'm a medium. I have the ability to like talk to ghosts and let them use my body to communicate and shit. You've seen them in movies."

"Wait a minute." Jack recognized the face in front of him. "You're that guy who ordered—"

"Yes, I am," Cooper confidently answered before he could finish. "I also happen to be clairvoyant. But Clair's not my real name. It's Cooper." He saw Skyler shake his head in doubt that this plan would work with a total idiot proceeding it. "Anyways, I like know exactly what you're about to ask, and the answer is yes. I do know Rags."

"Rags?" Jack asked in confusion. The name Rags reminded him of a wet stray dog. This thought further confused him.

Cooper put both his hands up in apology. "Ah, my bad. I mean Ashlyn Skyler—Tyler! Yeah, Ashlyn Tyler is her name. I know her."

"What? How do you know her?" Finally, Jack became serious about this conversation.

"I told you, I'm a medium. She came to me after she died. How else do you think I know about her totally disapproved choice of menu item at your café? Seriously though, who in their right mind likes banana bread?"

Jack ignored his question, too focused on the idea that this Cooper guy really was what he claimed. He sure had proved himself the real deal. "It all makes sense..."

Archer and Skyler honestly didn't think Cooper would be capable of convincing Jack about Rags's existence. Yet to their astonishment and relief, he ultimately pulled through.

Cooper said, "So, this brings us back to why you're here. Ashlyn wants to talk to you."

"She does? Where is she?"

"You'll have to follow us."

Without a moment of hesitation, Jack said, "Please lead the way then."

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