When three idiots and a ghost said goodbye

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Season finale theme song: High Hopes by Panic! At The Disco


"Guys, where are you taking me?" Rags asked, stumbling her way through the forest with no vision.

Archer had made her take over his body earlier so Skyler could drive everyone to somewhere special that night. When Rags saw him pulling into the parking lot of Liberty Woods, Cooper had immediately covered her eyes with his hands.

He whispered into her ear, "Just keep quiet and trust daddy."

Rags winced. "Please don't say that ever again, Coops."

"What? I saw someone say it in a movie. It was like about this naked girl who wanted—"

"We don't want to know about the movie," Skyler half-lied. "And can you do a better job at covering Rags's eyes?"

"Hey, it's not my fault Arch is way taller than me! Rags should've possessed me."

"Well, if you hadn't been late on your way home from work, she would have."

"But Margaret wanted to like talk to me about meeting up on Sunday. She got these two tickets for the art show that just opened up downtown. Like, I don't get why she asked me though. Do you think she just wants to make fun of me by comparing me to all the great artists in the show?"

Skyler shook his head, dumbfounded at how clueless his idiot of a friend actually was. He decided to explain things in a way Cooper would better understand. "No, I think she just wants to make an opportunity to see your exposed head and violate you with her lips."

"Wow, you really think so, Sky?"

"Yeah, completely."

Cooper was touched at the idea of Margaret going through so much trouble to harass him like that. He began to look forward to the weekend. However, he quickly recalled why he wasn't looking forward to it in the first place. One of his close friends would no longer be around by then.

The group eventually came to a stop. Rags could hear running water below and immediately knew where the guys had taken her. Cooper lowered his hands from her eyes, and she was met with the exact bridge she had once fallen from. To her relief, since her accident the city safety department had installed railings.

Rags thought she'd be uncomfortable coming to the spot that had ended her life, but it was oddly nice. The night breeze wasn't far off from how she remembered it, although it had become warmer in the last two weeks. There had barely been a moon during Friday's party, yet now a nearly full one was out to rain its light on the darkened world.

Taking in the peaceful scenery, Rags asked, "Why did you bring me here?"

With some hesitation, Skyler replied, "Because there's something I want to do for you that I wasn't able to do before. I know I'm so late putting in my effort for this, but—" He put his hand out. "Hey, do you want me to drive you home?"

Unlike the serious faces the once two strangers had worn during their first encounter, both friends had on a smile. However, Rags's expression broke when she felt a compelling force push her out of Archer's body. To everyone's astonishment, she was standing outside of the apartment in her own ghostly form.

Truly as herself now, Rags finally had the chance to say the words she should've said two weeks ago. "I would love that. Thank you, Sky." She turned to Cooper and Archer who had returned to his senses since being unconscious. "And thank you, Arch and Coops. The three of you have allowed me to have a happy ending after all."

"No, Rags!" Archer cried out. "You can't leave us already!"

The ghost stared down at her feet which were beginning to fade away. She felt her body nearing a state of absolute serenity and warmth. So, this was what moving on was like. 

Tears rolled down Cooper's face. "Ah, fuck it! I'm crying two nights in a row!"

While his friends were emotionally breaking down, Skyler said, "Goodbye, Rags. We'll miss you."

Goodbye, guys...

...I close my eyes...

...Zero days.

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