Because there's always another chance (Part 03)

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"What do you want, Charlie?" Ever spitefully snapped.

It did little to drive the boy away. "How come you ignored me all summer?"

Ever got everything she needed from her locker and slammed it shut. She could simply turn around and walk away. But knowing Charlie, he was sure to follow her all the way to her classroom until she gave him a response. He was as persistent as they got, which was why she gave in to him over and over again whenever he asked her for sex.

When they were dating, she hoped that he would give back just as much as he took from her. But that never happened. He didn't care to listen to her problems like everyone else in her life. She would try to open up to him a little when she found the courage to or got drunk enough, only to be immediately dismissed for being too emotional. At the end of the day, Ever just felt stupid for falling for another shallow piece of shit who was quicker to get her clothes off than ask a simple "Are you okay?"

"Because you're an insufferable asshole, Charlie. That's why."

"Come on, is it because you saw me kissing Hannah at that party? I told you we were just playing Truth or Dare."

Ever had already been long over him before finding him cheating on her. But she decided to use that as her reason to finally end things for good. In a way, she was thankful to Hannah. She really didn't want to die being Charlie's girlfriend. Of course, this was back when she was so sure she wouldn't make it to the end of summer break. Yet here she was.

Somehow, that made Ever feel the tiniest bit empowered.

"Do you want to know the real reason I broke up with you? It's because I wanted more than you, alright?" Ever got very close to Charlie for a moment to add, "You're a worthless dick who isn't even that good in bed."

Charlie's face went red at the insult. He scoffed, "You wanted more? You? Don't you think that's asking for much, considering all you have going for you is a nice ass? You were literally the most boring girl I'd ever dated. Zero personality—"

Ever slapped him, something she should have done months ago.

"You never even bothered to listen to the real me," Ever muttered under her breath.

She turned around and left. Amongst the clamor of students discussing the drama they had just witnessed, Charlie proved to her one last time what an awful, inconsiderate bastard he was.

"You should've been that interesting when we had sex, Ever!" he called out for everyone to hear.

Ever's classroom was at the end of the hallway and felt a little too far away. She needed to get away from all the noise now. She decided to head for the bathroom instead. With her eyes solely focused on the girls' restroom sign, she neglected to see the guy coming out of the boys' restroom next to it.

Ever slammed into him, letting out a sharp, "Ugh!"

The recoil from the impact had Ever stumbling back a few steps and dropping the books in her arms. She crouched down to gather her stuff. From her low position, she briefly looked up to see who she had run into, only to have her neck bend back much farther than she anticipated.

Standing before her was the very tall Malachi Lively. He towered over her like a brick wall. Perhaps he really was made of bricks since he had barely moved an inch from the collision. He seemed frozen, staring down at Ever with a blank expression.

He eventually came to his senses and offered his hand. Ever hesitated, remembering this was the same creepy guy from homeroom. But she doubted he could be any worse than Charlie. She took his hand and pulled herself up.


When Ever tried to slide her hand free, Malachi tightened his grip on it. Ever tugged her arm back a few times to no avail.

"Could you let go?"

"Oh, sorry," Malachi mumbled.

He stared at the hand that had just held Ever's. Whether he was a germaphobe or a pervert, Ever couldn't care less. She continued on her way to the restroom.

But just before she entered, she heard Malachi say behind her, "Nice collar, by the way."

She ignored him and went straight for the sink. She turned it on and let the sound of running water drown out her thoughts of the past few minutes. She hadn't even been back to school an hour, yet she already felt done with the entire year. A thought lingered at the back of her head that she did not want to entertain, at least not while she was surrounded by so many of her peers.

That's why you should've just died during the summer.

Ever shook her head and looked at herself in the mirror. Under her depressed face, the red ribbon around her neck shined bright, reflecting just how much life was flowing through her. Three people's worth, in fact.

That was when it hit her.

"Nice collar?" she mumbled to herself.

The implications of Malachi's "compliment" finally sunk in.

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