When an idiot failed again to remember a girl's name

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"I had a great time today," Alex said in front of Archer's apartment.

It was eleven at night, yet neither of the two wanted the other to go. However, it was still quite late, and they did agree to meet up again on Sunday. Rags gave herself a pat on the back for being able to secure another date for Archer to make it up to him. Honestly, she wanted her little brother to be with someone decent and Archer definitely made the cut.

"I had a great time too," Rags said, recalling all the joyful sibling moments she'd gotten that day. Although, to Alex it appeared to be a normal date minus all forms of PDA.

"You know, something about today reminded me a lot of the days I spent with my sister growing up. It was fun."

Rags smiled. "I'm glad."

"Do you think I should call her tonight and finally apologize for everything?"

"Um, maybe tonight's not the best time. I mean, she might be sleeping already. It is pretty late."

"Yeah, you're right. And I should probably figure out exactly what to say to her first."

"Hey, don't worry about it too much. I'm sure she won't hold any grudges against you no matter what you say."

"Thanks. I have to say that you're the sweetest guy I've ever met. I'm really happy I let you buy me a drink last night." Alex paused, briefly dropping his gaze on Archer's lips. "May I kiss you?"

The desire to gag had returned once more to Rags, even more so now that she knew the truth. She took a step back towards the door. "Uh, I'm not much of a kiss-on-the-first-date kind of guy. I hope you can understand. But I promise to make it up to you on our next date."

"Alright, you promised." Alex smiled. "I'm going to expect twice as much then."

"Sure," Rags said with an easy mind since she wouldn't be the one to have to carry out that promise. But then, that triggered some disturbing thoughts of what might happen between her friend and brother. She shuddered, passing the thoughts aside before they became too realistic. "Good night, Alex."

"Good night, Archer."

Rags waited until Alex got on the elevator and was fully out of sight before walking through the front door. She didn't want him freaking out about Archer suddenly collapsing on the floor, which she already anticipated after the day she spent in Cooper's body. Judging by that day, Archer would be out cold for at least ten minutes.

Rags noticed that Cooper wasn't home yet even at this hour from his lack of shoes at the door. But he did let his friends know that he had been "taken hostage" by Margaret after work. This was just his way of saying he'd been invited over for dinner at her house.

On the other hand, Skyler was home, and from the sounds in his bedroom, he wasn't alone. Rags lurked over to his closed door and heard another female's voice. Luckily, she'd come too late to have to bear witness to any indecent activities. Mr. Sprinkles wasn't so lucky though.

"The fuckboy wouldn't let me fucking sleep with all the loud fucking," the irritated cat groaned whilst lazily licking his paw at Cooper's room's doorway.

"I'm sorry you had to experience all that alone, Mr. Sprinkles," Rags quietly said.

"Don't fucking give me any of that pity shit, you freeloading bedsheet."

With the dirty deed having been done, the girl in Skyler's room was getting ready to leave. Pouting, she asked, "I really can't sleep over tonight, Sky?"

"Yeah, I told you my friends won't like it."

Skyler opened his door to see Rags standing right in front of him. He had no clue she and Archer were home. He assumed they had just arrived. However, he could only let his surprise show for a split second since the blonde girl to his right saw nothing but the hallway wall. He then realized a second too late what Rags being out of Archer's body had meant.

"Ah!!!" The girl's scream rang throughout the entire apartment upon the discovery of an unconscious body in the living room.

Skyler immediately rushed to his friend's aid, carrying him over to the couch. "Don't worry about him. He gets like this from time to time."

Deeply disturbed, the girl asked, "I-Is he narcoleptic?"

"Something like that. Anyways, you really should go."

"Yeah, bye." The girl nearly ran out of the apartment.

On the floor by the couch, Rags joined Skyler who was sitting there to regain his breath after lifting his tall friend. Apparently, Archer was heavier than he looked, no thanks to all the food and snacks that were involuntarily stuffed inside him during his date by a hungry ghost.

"Who was she?" Rags asked.

Although uncertain, Skyler replied, "Just some girl I met at school the other day. Samantha, I think. Or was it Samara?"


It's that time again. Character profiles! This time, we have the cares-but-doesn't-want-you-to-think-he-does guy.

 Character profiles! This time, we have the cares-but-doesn't-want-you-to-think-he-does guy

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Full name: Skyler Rose

Birthday: 2/6/1997

Blood Type: B

Height: 5'10" (178 cm)

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Blue

Likes: girls, socializing, parties, drinking, having fun, secretly researching about things, cooking, cleaning

Dislikes: untidy people, paranormal things, ghost movies, being scared

Most Precious Item: his favorite chef's knife or a picture of his family

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