Because ghosts don't have friends (Part 01)

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Lunchtime came, and Ever went straight to looking for the twins. She texted both of them, asking where they were. Walt barely ever checked his phone at school, so there was no reply from him. Warrick, however, said he was heading out for a smoke at the back of the school near the football field.

"There you are," Ever said, finding the boy as he was lighting himself a cigarette.

"Hey, Ever."

"Could you lend me your lighter?"

"Oh, sure."

Ever took the cheap lighter from Warrick and began smoking with him.

"So, what's up?" Warrick asked.

Ever looked around to make sure no one was listening to them. "Did you bring the, um, the thing?"

"The what?"

She leaned in close to him in all seriousness. "I'm talking about the POOP."

Warrick snorted, thankful that his twin brother wasn't around to call him an immature idiot. He cleared his throat and replied, "No, I left it at home. I wouldn't want to be caught carrying around a turd."

"Isn't that supposed to be the Text for Understanding..."


"Never mind. Anyway, could you bring it tomorrow?"

"Why? Did you find a lead?"

"It might be better than a lead. I think we might have our guy."

"No way. At school?"

"Yeah. Do you know someone named Malachi Lively?"

Warrick shook his head.

"Well, he's in my homeroom. He's been giving me bad vibes since I first saw him. But he recognized this." Ever pointed to the red thread around her neck.

"That at least proves he possesses some sort of spiritual ability. The average person shouldn't be able to see that at all. Does he match the guy's description?"

"Pretty much. Black hair, hazel eyes, pale skin, dark circles."

"What about the piercings?"

"I didn't get a good look at his ears."

"Well, that's still really close to the description. Okay, I'll bring the POOP"—Giggle—"ahem, tomorrow."

"Alright." Ever received a text from Janet asking where she was. She butted out her cigarette against the nearest trashcan and tossed it in. "I've got to go. My friends are looking for me."

"Sure. Let's meet up after school, though."

"Yeah, bye."

Ever walked away finding a rather strange feeling in her heart. She was looking forward to hanging out with the twins more than her friends. Well, the twins were kind of her friends, too. But she had only known them for a few days compared to her other friends, whom she had known for years. And yet, the twins knew so much more about her, at least about the stuff that mattered.

After the incident with Charlie in the morning, Ever found herself starting to reevaluate the kinds of people she had been surrounding herself with all this time. Nothing summed it up better than the first thing Janet said to her when she caught up with her group of ten friends in the hallway outside the cafeteria.

"Ew, you stink." Janet stepped away from her. "Did you go smoke?"

A few of her nonsmoking friends snickered. Ever sniffed her clothes and hand. She didn't think the cigarette smell was that strong, but perhaps it was because she was used to it.

"Uh, yeah, sorry." Apologizing was an automatic response for her whenever this happened.

"You're going to die before you hit forty. You know that, right?"

That's the point, Ever thought but would never actually say.

Janet reached into her bag and pulled out a small bottle of perfume. Giving it to Ever, she said, "Spray some of that and go wash your hands. We'll meet you in the cafeteria."


"Let's go, guys."

The group of five boys and five girls went off without Ever. She realized how perfectly paired up everyone was. If she joined them, it would be eleven people, an odd number. It never bothered her before, or rather she never let it. But today, she thought about skipping out on lunch, maybe even heading back out to smoke another cigarette with Warrick. That would make another even pair.

But the expensive perfume she was holding prevented her from veering off her decided course. She went to the restroom, washed her hands, and covered herself with a strong floral scent that was too sweet for her all-black attire. She took a brief look at herself in the mirror, focusing on the red lifeline around her neck.

The miserable thoughts crept in from the dark corners of the restroom. What was she doing here? Why was she even still alive? If only she could drop dead right this second—


Ever snapped her head toward the door. The loud sound came from just outside in the hallway. It was actually pretty similar to the heavy thump of a person falling down.

"No way," Ever said to herself, slowly making her way out to check what had happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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