Because there's always another chance (Part 02)

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Conversations Between Square and Yellow

By Fred D. Wiseman

- Episode 01 -

S: Hi, I am Square.

Y: Hi, I'm Yellow.

S: So, you are just a color? Do you not have a figure?

Y: Wow, rude? I know I'm not in shape, but must you be such an insensitive square about it?

S: ...I am a square.

Y: Good, at least you know, you angular, depthless, quadrilateral.

S: Is this how all your people speak? No one from the Geometry World has such colorful vocabulary.

Y: Well, I am from the Color World.

S: Do you... think we could be friends?

Y: As long as you don't make fun of my weight.

S: Deal. I do not even know what weight is. I only exist in the second dimension. We are all flat here.

Y: Ugh, rude!

- To be continued -

Mr. Wiseman considered himself a humble guy with humble dreams. He had been a high school math teacher for the better part of twenty years, a profession that paid the bills. He was approaching his late forties and still unmarried, but he wasn't bitter about it. He had no complaints about his repetitive and solitary life.

The only time he allowed himself a little bit of happiness was when he attended his local café's comedy nights every Friday. It was the one moment out of the entire week when he got to laugh. And wanting to gift the joy of laughter to others, Mr. Wiseman decided to take the mic himself one night.

But perhaps the world simply wasn't prepared for his witty math puns because the café experienced its worst comedy night ever. Mr. Wiseman was lucky he didn't have tomatoes tossed at him. Actually, that might have been a better fate. At least tomato stains could be removed, unlike the video a student who had been at the café that night took and spread all throughout the school. This earned him the permanent nickname...

"Mr. Wisecrack! Do the shapes and colors bit!" one boy shouted in the middle of morning homeroom.

In response, a few students chanted, "Do it! Do it! Do it!"

"Come on, Mr. Wisecrack!"

Mr. Wiseman was saved by the bell marking the end of homeroom. Even the students who were teasing him just a second ago forgot all about him and scrambled out of the classroom. The hallway instantly filled with the clamor of footsteps and teen voices.

Ever's eyes shifted from Mr. Wiseman sulking at his desk to Malachi walking out of the room. The second he was gone, it was almost like a weight got lifted off Ever's shoulders. The air felt easier to breathe, and the lights seemed to shine just a little bit brighter. Could he really be possessed by a demon like Janet suggested?

Ever was probably overthinking it. The subtle changes in the room had to have just been her imagination. Besides, she told herself she wouldn't get involved with that unsettling guy only a few minutes ago. It was best to simply ignore him and his creepy vibes.

"Ever, aren't you coming?" Janet called from the door.

"Oh, sorry, coming!"

Ever grabbed her backpack and joined her friends to head to their lockers.

Janet and Peyton said bye to Ever and rushed off since their first period was on the other side of the school. Ever's was much more close by, so she took her time to gather her things for her morning classes. It was a decision she soon came to regret.

"Hey, Ever," came a voice Ever wished she didn't recognize.

Leaning on the locker next to her was Charlie, the worst piece of shit she had ever dated. 

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