When an idiot went to a gay bar

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"Why didn't you show me these earlier, Coops?" Rags asked, admiring the photos of Cooper's clay sculptures which he spread out on his rainbow bed for her.

He had a few realistic faces, but the majority were abstract and grotesque figures that still looked quite artistic nonetheless. They seemed like exactly the strange and incomprehensible things that would come out of Cooper's head. Rags had been curious to see his creations ever since Margaret told her how much she appreciated them. She now knew why.

Cooper shrugged. "You never asked. Besides, I don't really like showing off these kinds of things."

"Why not?"

"It's like embarrassing, you know, like you're staring straight into my soul." Cooper locked his widened eyes with Rags's and suddenly she felt like she was the one whose soul was being gazed upon.

Looking away, she said, "Yeah, I get what you mean..."

"But, like, now what am I going to do, Rags? I get that Margaret started harassing me because she wanted to get a hold of my super awesome art skills."

"Sure, whatever you say, Coops..."

"But what am I supposed to make for her birthday? You said it should be something that can cheer and motivate her. I'm not good with that sort of deep stuff, man!"

"Honestly, I don't think I can help beyond this point. Margaret's present should be something you decide on entirely by yourself."

"But, Rags—"

"No, buts."

Cooper pouted. "Not even my own butt?"

"Not even your own butt," Rags replied with a serious nod.

Skyler poked his head into the room. He was wearing a pink apron with a picture of a white cat that greatly resembled Mr. Sprinkles. It had been a birthday present from Cooper, and even though Skyler complained about how much he hated it, he still wore it from time to time when cooking.

"Hey, if you two are done chatting about Coops's ass, come eat dinner."

Cooper and Skyler sat at the dining table which was set with roast beef and baked vegetables. Rags stood next to them, wishing she had her sense of smell and taste again. Despite having spent most of the day in Cooper's body, all she had smelled at work were sick animals and disinfectant.

Noticing the lack of a plate and set of eating utensils, Rags asked, "What about Arch?"

With his mouth full, Cooper answered, "It's Thursday."

"Yeah, so?"

Skyler further explained, "Arch finishes class early on Thursdays and doesn't go to school on Fridays. It's the perfect night to go out and drink for him."

"Ah, I see." Rags was surprised because she never pinned Archer as the drinking type for some reason.

Skyler then added, "Ever since his last boyfriend practically stood him up on Valentine's Day of all times, he's been going to a gay bar every week in the hopes to find someone new."

"Oh..." Now that Rags thought about it, Archer was the only one who hadn't opened up about his romantic life before. Perhaps it was to hide his emotional pain. "Well, I hope he succeeds tonight."

"Yeah, I hope so too. There's only so much Coops and I can take of him bitching about never finding love again..."


Here is the second character profile, which is our very own awkward Asian. 

Full name: Archer Junyoung Lee

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Full name: Archer Junyoung Lee

Birthday: 12/14/1996

Blood Type: O

Height: 6'0" (183 cm)

Hair/Eye Color: Black/Dark Brown

Likes: men (gay af), movies, relaxation, cliché romance novels

Dislikes: girls (more like terrified of them), birds, cleaning, exercise

Most Precious Item: notepad of cringey story ideas

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