When three idiots attacked

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"Uh, guys? Don't you think like a bat and a frying pan are a bit much to use on a girl?" Cooper asked, looking at the weapons his friends chose for dealing with the unexpected guest in the bathroom.

"Says the guy who's holding a knife," Skyler retorted, waving his baseball bat out at Cooper.

"Hey, it's a butter knife! It's not going to do shit!"

"Yeah, that's some weapon you got there then."

"I don't know about you guys," Archer began, tightening his grip on the frying pan handle. He'd finally wrapped the lower part of himself with a long, white towel. "But girls kind of terrify me. And I've seen that girl in our shower face on. She's like no one I've ever seen before..."

"No, I completely agree with you, Arch," Skyler said, nodding. "Girls can be the most beautiful yet scariest creatures on Earth, especially those crazy perverted ones."

"And this girl was definitely on the crazy perverted side. She tried...to touch me," Archer added with a shudder.

"All the more reason we need to be extra cautious going in there. And why you need to choose a better weapon, Coops."

"I'm sticking by my knife, Sky. Stop trying to change my mind."

"Fine, whatever. But I'm not coming to save your ass when your tiny kitchen utensil that's the size of Arch's dick proves completely worthless."

"Hey, that comparison is uncalled for," Archer said, glaring.

"At least you're not denying it—" Archer gave a hard slap on Skyler's back. "Okay, I deserve that..."

"Yeah, you do, asshole. Now let's stop stalling and do something about that girl already."

The three men filed into one line in order of Cooper, Archer, then Skyler. They slowly approached the open bathroom, the sound of running water increasingly getting louder.

"You didn't turn the water off?" Skyler asked Archer.

"I couldn't think of anything at the time except to get the hell out of there."

"Well, you're paying the water bill this month."

"Oh, fuck you—"

"Shush, guys," Cooper said, placing an index finger to his pink lips. "Do you hear that?"

All three men leaned their ears closer towards the bathroom. Amongst the sound of the steaming shower was the faintest cry of a young woman.

"Is this for real? How did this happen...?"

Up to this moment, Skyler still wasn't completely convinced about a girl being in the bathroom. He thought—hoped—this was just another one of his friends' dumb pranks. But now, he was more convinced than ever that what his friends claimed was in fact the truth. And even though he didn't want to admit it, he was currently the most terrified amongst the three.

"We go in at the count of three," Archer said, holding up three fingers. "One... Two... Three!"

"Ah!" the three men shouted as they charged into the bathroom, weapons held high above their heads like a few cavemen wielding clubs.

Within the thick fog of the hot shower, the back of a tall girl with wet shoulder-length brown hair and in a short black dress that was equally drenched and clinging to her skinny frame could be seen inside the bathtub. She was facing the blue-tiled wall, staring down at her hands until she heard the three men's powerful yet trembling voices. She slowly turned around, revealing herself to them. Her hair covered half of her pale face including one of her blue, blood-shot eyes.

"What the fuck is that?! I'm getting the fuck out of here!" Skyler screeched at the top of his lungs, bolting for the door.

"I'm right behind you, Sky! Uh—Take Coops! He has the least to lose!"

And with that, Cooper was left abandoned by his friends in the bathroom with nothing to defend himself except his little butter knife. Although, he quickly realized he wouldn't be needing it upon seeing the girl really didn't mean any harm. In fact, she was in the middle of crying.

"Uh, hey?" Cooper began, scratching the side of his dirty blonde hair in deep confusion. "Are you like okay, man?"

"No, I'm not..." the girl answered, wiping away a tear at her eye.

"What's the matter?"

"I'm dead."

Outside the bathroom, Archer and Skyler sat on the living room couch biting their nails with their knees hugged tightly into their chest. They were growing more and more certain that their blonde friend had been killed by the scary shower girl.

"Holy fuck. How could we have just left him in there?" Archer asked, feeling immense guilt. "Coops is dead because of us!"

"No, don't think like that. We don't know for sure yet. We don't know," Skyler said, though he himself found it hard to believe his own words.

Suddenly, there was a loud squeak of the shower being turned off. Both Archer and Skyler held their breaths as the sound of only one pair of feet grew closer. However, they sighed in great relief upon seeing their friend had returned in one piece.

"Coops!" Archer and Skyler called out together, nearly in tears.

"Yeah. Hey, guys. I'm just going to ignore the fact you totally ditched me because there's more important things to discuss. Like, we kind of have a new ghost in our house. Say hi."

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