Chapter 15: V'S BIRTHDAY

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They were awkward and couldn't say anything to each other, so Tzuyu called the waiter to order food.

"Uh Sunbaenim what do you want to eat?" Tzuyu asked, even her voice couldn't speak properly because she was so nervous.

"I'll take one beef bulgogi and jajangmyeon" V answer and the waiter wright down of his paper list and then look at tzuyu.

"Oh yeah, my order is one Naengmyeon and two of pork kalbi. Thanks!" She said and the waiter nodded and leave.

When the waiter left, the atmosphere between the two heated up due to the awkward relationship until Tzuyu took the phone to check if Jimin had texted, but Tzuyu received no text. V looked at his phone to see if he had received many messages about his birthday.

Tzuyu stopped using her phone when she heard V giggle while looking at her phone and mentioned Sowon's name that Tzuyu didn't want to hear again.

"You look happy now Sunbaenim, what happened?" tzuyu immediately asked and V immediately turned off his phone.

"Uh it's nothing, it's just a personal message for me" V replied and immediately Tzuyu's heart felt different, as if burning with jealousy.

"Don't cover up that it's Sowon, Sunbaenim" tzuyu's mouth automatically spoke and he immediately covered it. And V who noticed something strange about tzuyu.

"Are you ok, tzuyu? Don't you have a fever?" V asked and that's why tzuyu suddenly smiled.

"Ah um, it's just not Sunbaenim. My brain just floated once" Tzuyu said shyly and excused herself to the restroom for a while.

Tzuyu looked in the mirror and slapped her face slowly.

'don't let your jealousy get in the way Chou Tzuyu that's why you're embarrassed now' tzuyu thought.

Tzuyu returned to the table and V was there taking pictures of the food and the food was already there when Tzuyu left.

"Maybe you will post that on your account Sunbaenim" asked tzuyu directly.

"Don't call me Sunbaenim, be formal. And yes, I will post it later to update on my birthday" said V and Tzuyu just smiled and sat down.

They ate and time passed by and suddenly Tzuyu's phone rang and she excused herself for a moment to answer the call outside. When tzuyu looked to see who called it was just Jimin that's why he immediately answered it.

"Hello Tzuyu!"

"Hi, Sunbaenim!"

"Does Taehyung is still with you?"

"Uh yeah, actually we are about to leave since we are done eating"

"Great, um we are done decorating some stuffs and you may bring him home now"

"Okay I'll just tell him"

"Make an excuses about you leaving him, ok?"


"Anyways, thank you for helping me. I owe you a lot"

"You're welcome Sunbaenim and actually I did had fun with him today"

"Oh really!? Then you two should, you know.."

"What is it Sunbaenim?"

"Nothing, forget what I said and told him already. Thank you very much!"

"Welcome, bye!"

Tzuyu ended the call and go back at inside and she saw V looking at his phone while smiling. She's about to sneak of what V's smiling about and she saw the conversation of him and sowon, it's just a normal conversation and tzuyu knew why V laughing because sowon sending a funny pics of V and writing a happy birthday.

'they seems very close' tzuyu thought.

Tzuyu just go in front of V and act like nothing happened. She saw him turning off his phone and stood up.

"I'll pay for the food" V said but tzuyu refused.

"No, I'm the one who bought you here and it's your birthday I'm the one who pay for the food" Tzuyu explain, V just let her and said thank you to Tzuyu. And they leave the restaurant.

"I'm gonna drop you home tzuyu" V said and tzuyu immediately insisted to disagree.

"No, I can go home alone and who knew maybe there's a saesang outside what's if they saw us and they overthinking some rumours, anyways happy birthday!" tzuyu said and V just agreed and say goodbye to her.

"Fine, Goodbye tzuyu! And thanks you, I'm having fun while I'm with you" V said and enter his car while tzuyu left outside with a huge smile on her face.

~im having fun while I'm with you~

Those words that keep repeating on Tzuyu's mind and she couldn't help but to blush a little but of course she couldn't forget about V and Sowon relationship that's why she immediately became serious.


V finally on their dorm and he noticed that the dorm was quiet outside and he think that his members were just busy minding their own business. V entered the dorm immediately and suddenly there's a loud small trump and a confetti fall into his hair and he heard his members saying a Happy Birthday to him.


The words that his members said while shouting so loudly until they cough. V laugh by how energetic and extra his members was and his members walk to him and hug him.

"Thank you for your effort, I appreciate it" V whisper while they are doing the group hug. And his members give the gift one by one and V couldn't help but to smile.

"Thank you guys" he said.

Hours passed by and they are now done celebrating. They eat some foods, play games, even got drunk a bit, and dancing wildly. V doesn't planned to have a live today his birthday because he want to celebrate privately without breaking anything on social media.

He is happy to be with his members and how he wish that also his family would be there on his birthday but it can't. He is happy today not just because of this celebrate but also he was happy how he got closer to Tzuyu without even trying, he almost give up on her but destiny set them up all over again.


december 30, 2022;
happy birthday V! borahe.....


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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