Chapter 48

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I opened my eyes and realized something. I was on top of Chuuya. He snored loudly while laying on his back. I noticed Finch sleeping peacefully on his head.

I looked at the time on the clock resting on Chuuya's desk.


Oh. We slept in..

I noticed Chuuya's snoring stopped. I felt his hand cup my face, he made me look at him.

"Morning." Chuuya pulled my face close to his and kissed my forehead.

My face burned a little. I smiled slightly, "Good morning.."

Chuuya's hair looked messy. His bangs were scattered.

Once Chuuya finished kissing my forehead, I pulled my face away.

Chuuya sat up, causing Finch to shriek and fall off of his head.

Finch groaned and walked over to the edge of the bed. He then curled up in a ball and started to sleep again.

I was looking behind me staring at Finch.

Chuuya grabbed my chin and made me face him.

"Maybe we can continue last night now that the bird's asleep." He smirked.

I felt butterflies in my stomach. He kissed me deeply and grabbed both sides of my hips.

My eyes were wide.

Chuuya looked into my eyes and noticed, he pulled away. "Is something wrong, babe?"

"O-oh.. I just.. I sometimes get a little scared whenever we do things like this."

"Scared?" His eyes widened a little.

"I just need to get used to it.. That's all."

"Y/n, if you're ever uncomfortable, let me know. I won't find this nice if you don't find it that way."

"Thanks, Chuuya." I smiled at him.

Chuuya smiled back.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He immediately kissed back. I felt his right hand go from my hip to under my shirt.

He felt the shapewear I was wearing.

I looked away.

"Y/n.. You know I don't like it when you wear it."

"I feel safe with it on.."

"Safe from what?"

"People who judge.." I mumbled.

"Why would I judge, Y/n? You're beautiful. You don't have anything fake about your body at all.. no useless plastic surgery. It's natural beauty." He smirked.

My eyes widened. "Natural?"

He chuckled and kissed my lips. I kissed him back, but harder. His eyes widened a little, then softened. I couldn't contain myself, I started unbuttoning his shirt.

He said natural..

It felt like all of my insecurity went away.

I pulled away from Chuuya's lips and started kissing his neck. I nipped his neck a few times, causing him to moan a little.

I finished unbuttoning his shirt. Chuuya grabbed my waist with both hands and started kissing me. I eagerly kissed him back.

"Good morning, you two-" Mori and Elise froze.

Chuuya glanced behind me. His eyes widened and he pulled away quickly, "BOSS?!"

I turned around and my eyes widened as well. I quickly got off of Chuuya with a red face.

"IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!" I was embarrassed.

"MISS Y/N AND CHUUYA?!" Elise was shocked.

"Well isn't this delightful?" Mori put his hands together and smiled.

Finch was sitting on the bed watching the whole show.

"N-no! It's not like that, Boss!" Chuuya told him.

"Then explained why your shirt is unbuttoned, also what's that on your neck?"

Chuuya's face reddened.

I could tell he was embarrassed too.

"Miss Y/n and Chuuya!" Elise exclaimed, "Miss Y/n got herself a prince!"

My face burned even more.

Damnit.. I'm such an idiot for losing part of my self control..

"Kouyo!" Mori stepped out of the room and yelled, "You need to see this!"

"W-wait! No! No! No! No! No!" Chuuya said quickly.

Kouyo stepped into the room, "Oh my."

"We weren't doing anything!" I panicked more.

Finch was quietly laughing. I threw a pillow at him and he shrieked, he fell off the bed.

Kouyo chuckled, "It seems Chuuya finally got himself the lady he wanted."

"IT'S NOT LIKE THAT, KOUYO!" Chuuya shouted.

"We aren't dating!" I agreed with Chuuya.

"Oh. So a one-night stand." Mori said calmly.

"NO!" Chuuya and I shouted.

"Couldn't even contain themselves in the morning."

"WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" Chuuya told Mori.

"Maybe they only use each other for pleasure?" I heard Mori whisper in Kouyo's ear.

"NO!" We both shouted again.

"Will you two get married?!" Elise's eyes lit up.

Chuuya and I were speechless.

"We should have a party for them!" Mori exclaimed.

"NO!" Chuuya and I shouted.


"But you two are such an adorable couple." Kouyo smiled.

"WE'RE NOT A COUPLE!" Chuuya argued.

"It's not going to happen!" I argued as well.

"I got it!" Elise ran inside the room with a camera.


Elise pressed a button and a bright flash went off.

Elise looked at the photo, "I love it!"

"Great! We'll plan the party!" Mori exclaimed and walked out of the room with Elise. Kouyo followed behind them.

The door shut.

Chuuya and I were sitting there speechless.

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