Chapter 88

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I woke up and Chuuya was snoring. I yawned and closed my eyes again.

Chuuya's snoring stopped and he yawned. He held me closer to him and I was about to fall asleep.

"Geez, you two need to learn personal space with all of your alone time."

"AH!" Chuuya and I sat up.

B/n was standing there.

I glared at him.

Chuuya looked at B/n, "What time is it?"

"Time for you two to get up. We're leaving in the evening."

"O-oh, you are?" I asked.

"Yeah. Mom said we're gonna miss a lot of school."


"Okay, come downstairs!"
B/n ran out of the room.

~Time Skip~
I walked downstairs with Chuuya to see breakfast already made.

Scout and Cheeto were playing with S/n. She was playing fetch with them.

~Time Skip~
After we ate breakfast, S/n and B/n went outside with Chuuya. My mom and I were washing the dishes.

"It's sad you have to go today." I said.

"Yeah.. But they still have school to go to. Besides, B/n wants to try those fighting moves on some specific people... Whatever the principal tells me, I'll just make up some good excuse. How on Earth did Chuuya know those fighting techniques anyway?"

"Oh. Chuuya is an expert in martial arts. He took a lot of fighting classes whenever he was a kid." I lied.

"I haven't asked... When will we meet Chuuya's parents?"

My eyes widened. "Oh.. uh.."


I decided to lie again, "Whenever he was young.. an accident happened and his parents passed away."

"O-oh..I.. I'm sorry for asking."

"No, it's alright. You didn't know. He doesn't talk about it much. I think he likes to keep it that way."

My mom nodded.

I continued washing the dishes.

~Time Skip~
I was sitting on the porch with S/n.

"If B/n learns one more fighting move, I'm gonna have a broken bone."

"He already tried one on you?"

"Yeah. He gave me a horrible bruised shin."


"Yup. Next thing you know, he's breaking necks."

"I don't think they're that bad."

"Oh, they are. He's a quick learner."


Scout was on my lap and Cheeto was on hers. We were scratching their backs.

"I don't wanna go back to school.." S/n groaned, "It's so boring and all everyone does is gossip about the stupidest things."

"Like what?"

"Well, my so called friends decided to pick popularity over me."

"Marie and Harper?"

"Yup. Made up a rumor that I lost my virginity to a teacher.'

"What?!" I looked at her.

"Yeah.. Assholes."

"H-have you done anything to get back at them?"

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