Chapter 92

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I yawned while Scout licked my face. I got her off me and scratched her head gently. I put her on the couch.

Finch was making cereal. I walked over to the table and sat down. I yawned again.

"You look tired.." Finch mumbled.

"I am.." I grabbed the spoon and ate the cereal.

Finch was nibbling at his. His was on a plate.

Once I finished eating my cereal. I walked to the sink and washed it. Once I finished that, I walked back to the couch and laid down.

I'm exhausted..

I yawned and tried going back to sleep.

~Time Skip~
I woke up and saw Cheeto sleeping on my shoulder. I smiled and petted him. I picked him up and let him lay on my lap. I turned on the TV. Scout jumped on the couch and sat beside me. I moved my arm around her.

Finch was sleeping on a pillow. I moved my hand to his head and gently pet him. He relaxed. I smiled and continued petting him gently. I knew he was awake.

I looked back at the TV while petting him.

~Time Skip~
I continued watching TV until I started feeling nauseous. I put Cheeto on the couch beside Scout and quickly got up. I ran to the bathroom.

"Y/n?" Finch looked up.

I closed the bathroom door and held my hair up. I began throwing up.

Finch pecked on the door, "Are you alright?"

I continued throwing up. I stopped, "I-i'm fine.."

Somehow, Finch opened the door and flew beside me.

I continued vomiting until I was finally done.

"Are you okay?" Finch asked me.

"I feel like shit.." I mumbled, "I think I'm sick.."

"....W-we could go to the store and get you medicine?"

"S-sure.." I stood up.

~Time Skip~
After getting dressed in my usual clothes, I texted Chuuya and told him I was going to the store. He didn't answer, I'm sure because of his work.

I was walking down the sidewalk with Finch on my shoulder. Some people gave us looks, but I didn't care.

I walked inside the store.

~Time Skip~
As I walked with a bag in my hand, I grabbed some medicine.

Finch was on my shoulder.

I felt something go into the bag. I looked at Finch, "What'd you put in there?"

"Cheeto Puffs."

I looked back at the shelf and grabbed Pedialyte. I then walked out of the aisle.

~Time Skip~
As we walked out of the store with the bags in our hands, I noticed Finch on my shoulder staring at the bag.

"What?" I asked him.

"O-oh. I'm just excited for the Cheeto Puffs." He said.

I nodded and looked ahead.

~Time Skip~
I walked inside the house and Finch flew to the kitchen and landed on the table. I closed the door behind me. I walked to the table and put the bag down.

"I might as well give you your Cheeto Puffs now.." I mumbled while looking through the bag.

I noticed a small box in the bag. I grabbed it and my eyes widened.

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