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Me and Xavier set a date for our date, going out after Outreach day, whatever that is. Last night Wednesday was attack by Rowan, but she calms that something killed him but here's the funny part, the body disappeared, and no one believes her, everyone but me. This morning I had a little look in her mind, a trick I learned from my father and Wednesday Addams is telling the truth and I'm going to help her proof it. As she left Weems office after talking to her and the idiot sheriff, I went right up to her.

"So, I have never seen a monster like that. Do you know what it is?" I asked and my question made her stop dead in her tracks as she turned around to fully face me

"You saw the thing that killed Rowan?" She asked

"Yes and no. I saw it in your mind this morning. The whole thing" I explain to her

"You believe me?" She asked

"Yes, and I'm going to help your proof it" I tell her

"Why?" She asked. What is up with all these questions

"Because why not" I say

"Something is going on in this school and I'm going to figure it out" she says

"We will" I say with a smile

"But first, why don't you tell me what you are? It's pretty clear that you're not a witch" she tells me

"Why do you want to know so badly?" I asked

"Call it curiosity" she said

"Alright fine, but you can't tell anyone Wednesday" I say, and she nodded her head "I'm a Tribrid. Part witch, werewolf, vampire. Me and my sister Hope are the only ones of our kind." I explained to her

"So, your dangerous then?" She said but it sounds more like a question

"Extremely" I say

"Good, we might need that" she said and walked away as the bell rang for class.

After class I started walking the grounds, that's when Wednesday caught site of me and came walking over.

"Everyone is acting like nothing happened" She says as reached me

"Because to them nothing did happen" I informed her

"Your right on that but the weird thing is that during my meeting with the sheriff, Weems left the room and five minutes later Rowan walked in, alive." She told me

"That's impossible unless someone brought him back to life but I would have felt their magic so that didn't happen. Maybe Weems transformed into him" I say and that's when she grabbed my arm making us both stop

"What do you mean by transformed?" She asked me

"You didn't know? I guess not many students do know but Weems can shapeshift into anything and anyone. I found out while I was looking for something and came upon it" I explain to her

"But why would she shapeshift into Rowen?" She asked but I think the question was more for her then for me

"Beasts me. Look there's Enid, I'm going to go say hi and see why she is yelling at Yoko" I say wondering over to her.

"ARIELLA!" She yells as she pulled me in a hug "A little birdy told me you that got a date" She add sending me wink

"I do" I say blushing at the thought of him

"Look at you! You are blushing and the date hasn't even happened yet" She says with her big smile

"Yeah. Anyways, what's going on here?" I asked her as she was about to tell me, Wednesday reached us

"Howy roomie! I'm so glad that you decided to stay" Enid said to her

I thought you wanted your single room back?" Wednesday said to her

"Full discloser I don't like living solo and Thing gives a killer neck massage. It's a win-win. So....why the change of heart?" Enid asked her and who the hell is Thing? I'm definitely going to ask about that later

"I refuse to play the role of a pawn in someone else's corrupt game" Wednesday tells and must I say a nice way of putting it. She would definitely get along in my family

"You mean Rowan?" Enid said

"I witnessed his murder, Enid" Wednesday says

"I can vouch for that. I saw it when I went into her mind this morning. Rowan was trying to kill her and then this thing came and killed him instead." I tell her

"You can go inside people's minds?" Enid asked and you could tell she was very amused by this

"Really! That's what you got from that" I say walking over to Yoko, as Wednesday and Enid continue on having their convection

"Hey, Yoko, right?" I speak

"Bianca thinks you're lying about who you are" she says as she continued to paint

"Listen, I don't care what she thinks or believes because it truly won't affect me. I never really wanted to come her. I wanted to be with my sister but my father wanted me here. It was one of his wishes" I tell her

"Last night you said he died but last time I checked an original vampire couldn't die" She says putting down her brush

"They can but not a lot of people know how. After my uncle and my father died together, they used the last of the white oak" I informed her

"I have met Klaus on multiple occasions" she tells me looking me right in the eyes

"And?" I questioned her

"You have his eyes" She says smiling

"I have been told I look my mother but with my father's eyes and my sister looks like our father but with our mother's eyes" I say wishing both of my parents are here

"Last night Xavier said something after you left. He said that your father talked about these two girls and told Xavier their names. I could tell by the words Xavier told us, your father loved you so much" she tells me giving me a smile and then getting up leaving me alone with my thoughts. I just want them back, that can't be to much to ask for? I swiped a tear away and made my way back over to Enid after Wednesday left.

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My Tribrid- Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now