Who Are You?

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During the whole ride things have been disappearing and I know it, I'm losing her. Xavier has been holding my hand the whole time and telling me that it was going to alright. 2 days drive and we made it to the school. When I got out of the car, it was like a wave blast, I forgot why I was at this school. I turned to Xavier.

"Why are we here?" I asked him, panic set in his eyes

"Baby, were here for Hope. Your sister" he said as he took my hands in his.



"I'm going to get you" Hope said as she chased me through the woods. All you could hear was of us running and the birds chirpings and our giggles. I hid behind a tree, covering my mouth to hide my little laughs. Hope stop and looked around.

"I guess she's no longer here" she said and walked off with her hands behind her back. I step out and once I did, I was lifted into the air

"I got you" Hope said as she spin me around.

"I'm getting dizzy Hopey" I giggle. She set me down and we ran around some more until our mother called us back for lunch.

Flashback over

That is the only thing I remember. I was 8 and she was 12. That's the only memory I have left of her. I was forgetting my own sister, I should have come sooner or tried harder to get into contact with her. Tears start to fill my eyes and Xavier could see I was about to start breaking down, he pulled me into a hug and whispered sweet things to me, to comfort me.

"Xavier I need to find her now" I say pulling away from the hug

"And we will. Let's go find Rick, maybe he has seen her" he said as we rushed inside the school. Students walking to class, some sitting down and reading and others just talking. I walked up to a girl and asked her if Mr. Saltzmen was here, goods news for us he was and in his office. I basically ran down the hall, once I reached his door, I didn't even knock I just came right in.

"Rick, I need your help" I say

"Dad, who is this?" Josie asked. I missed her so much. Truth me told I'm more closer to Lizzie than Josie but still...wait how do I know them again? How did I meet them?

"I know you. You're um.... Ariella Mikaelson, right? I met you a few times when you were little" He said

"Yes. I'm looking for...um....I'm here for...I can't remember. I can't seem to remember. At first I remember this person clear as day and now that days have gone by, I'm losing more and more and now I can't even.."I said taking a seat. Tears start fill my eyes once more "I lost someone and I remember her for awhile but now it's like she is completely gone for my mind. I know for a fact she is someone important to me" I say

"You aren't the only one. We know that we are missing someone we just don't know who" Rick informed me.

"She's looking for her sister Hope. I'm guessing that is who you guys are missing as well" Xavier said as he grab my hand and kissed my cheek

"I'm sorry but who are you?" Rick asked

"Sorry, I'm Xavier. Ariella's boyfriend, we go to Nevermore." Ajax said sticking his hand out for Rick to shake.

"Never heard of it" Rick said making me laugh a little.

"There has been a girl here." Josie said making all three of us look at her "I don't know who she is but she knows everyone and this school like the back of her hand but no one knows her and there is no evidence that she ever went here. Landon told me that her name is Hope" Josie said.

"Do you know where she might be? I need to find her, please" I said. At this point I was begging

"I don't know where she is at exactly but if I had to guess she's probably in town or in the school somewhere and if she is not here than try the other high school" Josie said

"Thank you and I will be back with her when I find her and we can go over everything" I say taking Xavier hand and running out, getting back in the car.

"I need you to do me a favor" I said to him

"Anything love" he said

"I don't remember her and anytime I am blanking out, I need you to remind me. You know she is my sister and her name and I'm pretty sure you remember what she looks like because I bet I showed you what she looks like" I say. "Some parts she is there and I can sort of see her than she disappears and I can't remember name."

"We will find her and everything is going to be okay. You told me that you and her are the most powerful witches in the world. I know that you two will fright this out and everything will go back. You'll get Hope back" he said. I nodded my head as we drove into town which was a very short drive. I parked in front of the grill, I remember coming here with someone and my Aunt's. I pulled out my phone and looked in my pictures, maybe I have a photo of her. Turns out I have a lot.

"Look out for her" I tell Xavier. I walked around some more. I entered the grill and asked a staff if they have seen her and no luck. I walked outside some more, until I saw a girl laying down in the grass. I walked closer and I could feel this pull coming towards her. As I got more closer, it was her from the photos.

"Hope?" I asked. Once I said her name, she shot right up and looked at me with tears in her eyes and on her cheek, her eyes were really puffy.

"Ariella" she said looking at me and a huge smile came on her face when she said my name.


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This one seems kind of lame but it will get better once I have everyone and there will be moments where it's just Ariella and Hope and of course just Xavier and Ariella. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I love you all!!!!!!!

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