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Because of the Poe Cup classes were dismissed for the whole day. On the way to my dorm room, Xavier grab my hand and held it all the way there. For the past two hours I have been telling him about my artwork and how my father and I would draw together as much as we could. I had light music playing in room as he sat down on a stool/

"Sit still" I say as I sketched him

"I'm sorry. I'm always on the other side. You know I have seen this in movies, and it looks so easy." he said

"And they also don't talk" I teased raising my eyebrow at him

"Sorry" he said trying not to laugh which only made me laugh. After another 20 minutes goes by, I was finished. I signed it and dated it.

"I love it. You are truly amazing" he tells me leaning in giving me a kiss 

"Thank you! I learned everything from my father" I say putting up my book 

"You know your father let me paint him once" he told me. I turned towards him 

"You show be honor" I teased making him laugh

"I've heard the stories about him. Hell my father is scared of him. So, what was he like as a father?" he asked. At this point I didn't mind answering these questions, at first I hated it because to me it just sounded rude but after awhile I understood why they were curious.

"My father was in and out of my life. He wanted to be there for me and my sister but something happened. My father had to leave along with my aunts and uncles due to reasons, I was only 2. I didn't get to see him again until I was 6 and that's when the hallow came in. My father loved me and my sister so much he did everything he could for us. My father had to leave again and his siblings because of the hallow. They weren't allowed near each other and they weren't allowed to be near me or my sister. If they did, bad things would happen." I say 

"What happened?" he asked me 

"To other people my father was a monster but to us he was the best. After awhile Hope got tried of it, not being able to see our father all because of an old evil witch sprit. So, Hope took matters into her own hands by taking something right out of the Mikaelson handbook. Something or someone always brings our family back together, Hope just gave it a push to bring him back. I didn't know anything about until after our father showed up. Hope, kidnapped our own mother and hid her. After a few days our dad figured it all out and he was furious and demanded that we took him to our mom. That's when it all went south. We showed him where Hope had hid her but she wasn't there. This time someone actually took her. She died and just um....yeah. All because we wanted our father back and it was also because of my father's past" I tell him "My father died saving me and Hope. He loved us so much, we were his everything. He left everything to me and her." 

"I'm sorry that happen to you" he said pulling me into to a tight hug 

"Baby, that's just the icing on the cake" I say "But, they are all coming to family day, if you want to meet them. Hope, Marcel, Kol, Freya, Rebekah, all of them are coming" I say 

"I would love to meet them. But, there is something I want to ask you" he said 

"You can ask me anything" smiling at him wrapping my arms around his neck 

"There is this dance coming up and I was wondering if you will be my date?" he asked and I could tell he was nervous and by his heart was beating like crazy 

"I would love to be your date darling" I say 

"I can't wait to show off my Princess." he said as he kissed me. The kiss was soft and gentle but I could tell he was holding back. I grab the back of his neck pulling him in deeper, his arms were already wrapped around my waist, he pulled me closer as close as we could get. His tongue licked my lip, his way of asking but I wasn't going to given in that easily. I felt one of his hands slide down my waist as he grab my ass, making me gasp giving him the change to slide his tongue in my mouth. He tasted like popcorn and I wanted more, I couldn't get enough of him and it's only our first kiss.

"You have no idea how much I love doing that" he said as he pulled away

"I think I have some idea" I say pulling him back in for another kiss. This kiss wasn't as gently but I didn't care, I needed him. As he bit my lower lip, he backed me up against the way and pinned me there, kissing me to my jaw, down my neck. I bit my lip trying to hold back a moan but it slips through my lips. I swear I felt him smirk against my skin. He pulled his face away from my neck, looking me right in my eyes. The only thing you could hear in the room was how fast both of were breathing.

"I think I just found my new favorite sound" he said pulling me back in for another kiss 

My Tribrid- Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now