Outreached Day

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It was finally Outreached Day and according to Enid, we go and help out local businesses in town with the normies. We were all outside of the school as Weems gave her speech explaining the plan for the day. After that piece's of paper were handed out to all of us as we enter on the bus.

"What did you two get?" Enid asked me and Wednesday as we sat down

"Uriah's Heap" Wednesday said

"Ew" Enid said with a disgusting look on her face

"What's wrong with that place?" I asked her

"It's this weird, creepy antique store" Enid explained "What about you Ari?"

"I got Weathervane" I told them. Hoping Xavier got the same. As the bus came to a stop, I looked around to see people staring no more like glaring at us Nevermore students as we got off the bus. One even bumped into me and called me a freak. I was going to attack him but Enid stop me telling me 'Their not worth my breath' and she was right......for now. Wednesday took off to God knows where, I have noticed that she does that a lot.

"If I hadn't stop you from attacking that guy, would you have killed him?" Enid asked me

"Let's just say it wouldn't be the first time I killed" I tell her "But don't worry your little head Enid, I would never hurt any of my friends." Informing her

"Were friends?" She asked and I could hear the excitement in her voice

"Of course" Once those words left my mouth, she let out a little squeal and pulled me into a tight hug. She let go of me as we both saw Wednesday running towards us.

"Enid I need you to switch assignments with me" She said

"Wednesday I really don't want to be in a creepy-" Enid was saying but I cut her off as I had a huge smile on face.

"I found out that Ajax is working there" I tell her. This is new information for her and I love it

"And now that I think about it, I would love too" Enid said as we switched papers. After that Wednesday took off towards Pilgrim World.

"You're welcome" I teased

"Shut up!" she says playfully pushing me, making us both laugh

"You know Ajax really likes you, I can tell" I say, I saw her face light up

"You really think so?" she asked

"Yes and since you two will basically be alone why not have a conversation with him. Try flirting with him. Or if you want to be bold ask him out" I tell her

"What if he says no?" she asked 

"I don't think he will but if he does than you'll know. Take a risk." I tell her as I walked away towards the coffee shop. As I entered I saw Xavier there at the counter waiting.

"Hey" I say as I approached him. He looked down at me and gave me a smile 

"And my day just got better" he said making me blush, he leaned down and gave me a quick kiss. "How is my Princess today?"

"I'm good but I really don't want to be here. Actually, I don't want to be here, I want to be back in my dorm painting." I say frowning 

"I know how you feel Princess." he said than a boy our age came out 

"Hey, I'm Tyler, here are your uniform's. After you change we can go over a few things and you guys will be set" he said pointing over to the bathroom where we could change. I noticed when Tyler came out, Xavier behavior changed even his body language, he looked very unhappy seeing Tyler. After we changed, Tyler showed us how everything worked and what we needed to do and it seemed very easy. The whole time Tyler was talking Xavier glared at him and he wrapped his arm around my waist, anytime Tyler got close to us. Xavier, grip would tighten. 10 minutes later Tyler went and helped costumers as me and Xavier cleaned a little.

"What is going on?" I asked my boyfriend

"I don't know what you mean" he said as he continued wiping down the counter 

"I think you do. When Tyler looks at you guilt is written all over his face and yours, is all angry and I know what that looks like. When Tyler got close to me, your grip tightened on me. What happened?" I asked again 

"Do you trust me?" he asked 

"What kind of question is that? Of course I trust you" I say 

"Then trust me when I say this, Tyler is bad news. He will hurt you, for me please stay away from him and don't trust him" he said and I could see pain in his eyes. Something bad happened, I touched his arm and I saw everything playing in his mind. 

"Did you just read my mind?" he asked 

"Maybe" I say with a innocent smile. He laughed and shook his head 

"Only you" he said and kissed my head and went back to work. When I saw Tyler heading our way again, all I saw was red. He hurt my love and that's not okay with me and the fact he got away with it, he needs to pay. An hour goes by and I was getting the hang of doing this job, Wednesday came in looking for Tyler and that annoyed Xavier. His words 'everyone trust him but they don't know the real him all because he's the sheriffs son' 

 3 more hours of work and we were now back at the bleachers listening to the mayor and Weems give us another speech. After it was over we all clapped and the fountain was turned on, a statute fountain on the founder of the town. That's when it happened, the statute fountain exploded, starting a fire. Everyone screamed and started running away as for me. I got up and muttered a few words waving my hand to the side as the fire dying it down until it fully disappeared. Weems walked right over to me.

"Thank you, Ariella." she said but she wasn't looking at me but at Wednesday who was still playing her cello. I ran to go find Xavier and once I did, he pulled me into a tight hug like I was going to disappear

"Thank God, your okay!" he said kissing the top of my head as I was still in his hold.  

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