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It was now much later on in the day and classes have ended and I was now walking around in the halls on my way to my dorm room. Night was hitting when I got a phone call from a unknown number.

"Hello?" I answered

"Ariella, it's me Wednesday. You were right about Ms.Thornhill. Are you at school, right now?" she asked me

"Yeah" I say looking around making sure Ms.Thornhill wasn't nearby to listen.

"I'm on my way back now. I need you to go to the greenhouse and wait for but make sure she doesn't see you" she said. That's when she went into full detail about Thornhill and who she really is who she had thought was Kinbott at first.

"You got it" I say hanging up the phone and made my way to the greenhouse, once I got there. I saw that Wednesday had just arrived too, good timing in my book. We both walked from behind to see Ms.Thornhill doing something with chemicals. Wednesday stomp her foot, making Thornhill jump and turn around.

"Wednesday, I thought you'd be halfway to New Jersey by now. And Ariella, you should be in bed by now." Thornhill said

"You can drop the act, Laurel" I say crossing my arms against my chest

"Should have known it was you. Ariella, figured it out most of it but I pieced the rest." Wednesday said

"Faking your death. Nice touch by the way. Securing a job at Nevermore, unlocking a Hyde." I say then Wednesday took on the rest.

"Typically, I have great admiration for well-executed revenge plots. Hell, Ariella's family basically invented revenge. But yours was a bit extreme, even for my high standards." Wednesday said

"I second that" I say killing people that are innocent or killing kids for that matter is just wrong.

"Oh dear." she said and turned around facing her desk like she was before. "Weems was right. You do need psychiatric help" she add, picking up a flower plot and walking it over to another table "You do to Ariella. I'll have to talk to Weems about you. You two cannot throw wild accusations without consequences." she add turning back around facing us.

"They may be wild..." Wednesday

"But they're true" I say "Tyler told Wednesday everything and then she told me after I looked through his mind" I added. That's when we heard footsteps, turning around to see 'Tyler' a few feet behind us. He gave us a nod to continue. "Wednesday told him what was truly happening to him and how"

"Initially I incorrectly accused Kinbott of using hypnosis to unlock him." Wednesday said

"But with you being the plant knower. You used a plant-derived chemical, didn't you?" I asked, knowing the truth

"And I know your father kept tabs on all the outcast in town. So I assume he told you about the Galpin family secret when you were just a girl" Wednesday said and I could see that we were getting to her, just a little bit more of a push.

"That's why you targeted Tyler. Manipulated him, showing him what his mother truly was. But what Tyler didn't realize is that the truth wouldn't free him" I say

"It would enslave him to you. That was scary at first, so you used the cave and the shackles" Wednesday said taking a closer step to Thornhill, making her back up against the table "But eventually he willingly became your servant. And when Kinbott came close to discovering the truth, you had Tyler kill her then pin it on Xavier. Even though for the past 3 days he was out of town with Ariella, when Kinbott was killed. I should have pieced it together then" Wednesday added. Thronhill shook her head at us then stop and rolled her eyes and took off her glasses

"Ugh. That's enough" she said. She looked past us and right at 'Tyler'. "Tyler, honey, make mama happy and shut these two up. Permanently" she said

"He's not on your side" Wednesday informed her

"Tyler will do anything for me" she said, walked past us and towards him "Remember what I told you? I showed you who you really are" she add. Placing her hands on his cheeks "What they did to your mother...the outcast made you a monster" whispering the last part to him. She looked over at us and smirked like she believe she had won.

"If you only hate outcasts, why is he killing normies as well?" I asked

"They're just pawns in a bigger game. Just like you Wednesday but you Ariella, you joined just by coming here and that just made the game more fun" she said

"You know I can kill you with the snap of my finger, right" I say

"Then Tyler here, will kill you" she said

"And I'll just come back each time. Over and over again" I say smirking at her

"Then he'll go after Xavier. He may be in jail but Tyler here can still get to him." she said, making my smirk drop as I let out a low growl, a warning one "Did I hit a nerve?" she asked knowing, she did exactly that. "Once again, you've underestimated the situation. You were never getting on that train. I sent Tyler to intercept you." she add. But wait...Wednesday never went, show time.

"She never made it to the train station" I said. "Heard enough?" I asked and that's when Thornhill turned around to see Tyler turn into Weems.

"Surprise" I say smirking again.

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