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As I was making my way to his dorm room, I called my aunt Freya and told her everything. She told me that it's rare and she has heard of this but has never seen it until now. Him and I are soulmates. Can you believe that? I'm the daughter of a monster in people's stories, people fear him but not just my father but my whole family but mostly him. I don't deserve a soulmate and once I told my aunt that she got very upset and said no matter who you are or where you are from, everyone in the world deserves love no matter what and once you have that love, never let it go at any cost. As I made it to his door I knocked and within 5 seconds the door swings open.

"Bianca I told you-" he began to say but cuts himself off once he saw it was me "Ariella, hi. What are you doing here?" He asked me 

"Can I come in?" I asked him and he open the door wider for me to enter "I'm going to be straight with you. Earlier I was here with Wednesday, she needed my help looking for a book that belongs to you or Rowan, I have no idea but I promised her I would help her and in my family we always keep our word." I say turning around facing him as he closed his door and I swear I thought I heard him lock it 

"You two broke into my room?" He said but it was more like a question 

"Yes and I'm so sorry for that. But I need the truth, I heard you and Bianca talking and I saw the drawings of me going back two years. I know what I heard but I need to see you say" I say taking a step closer to him 

"Ariella, for the past 2 years-" he starts to say but this time I cut him off 

"No, I know that. You aren't the only one" I say and looks at me with a confused face "Ever since my parents died I have been having theses dreams. At first it was just your voice and then after a month I could finally see you face and ever since. On my way here I asked my aunt what it meant, and she told me it's rare but that's what soulmates are and I asked her why now. She said it was once told that you will start to see them when you truly need them and after that they will be with you forever. You're not the only one here that's in love Xavier." I say. He just stared at me in shock not saying one word "Please say something Xavier" But he doesn't all he did was walk closer and grab my face with his hands, slamming his lips onto mine. It was everything had stop and it was just him and me and no one else. All my worries went away and that I had nothing to fear. I was safe with him, he was home. He pulled away but still kept his hands where they were

"Thank God I'm not the only one" He said making me laugh. I turned my head to his desk where the pictures were, I looked back at him to see he was still looking at me 

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked him 

"Anything Princess" He said letting one of his hands play with my hair 

"How come you drew me so much?" I asked 

"I could never get you out of my head. Anytime I would wake up, you are my first thought and my last one before I fall asleep and then there you were in my dreams. I know you just got here but I want you to be mine" He said 

"Xavier, I was already yours" I say smiling at him 

"Good, because I'm not letting you go" He said wrapping his arms around my waist pulling my body closer to his 

"I like the sound of that" I say wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him down for a kiss it was short one but enough to make my knees weaken 

"Stay" He whispered

"Yes but we should get some sleep. You and I have a big race tomorrow" I say as he walked me to his bed and went to grab some clothes for me to change into

"Your competing?" He asked 

"Yes, I joined Enid team and were going to win" I tell him 

"You see baby that's where your wrong because I'm going to win" He said handing me some clothes. I went to his bathroom to change and as I came out he was shirtless, the things I want him to do to me. 

"Care to make a bet then since you are so sure that you're going to win" I say smirking at him

"What did you have in mind princess" He said. I walked over and sat on his bed next to him as he placed his hand on my bare thigh

"Loser as do to whatever the winner says and wants" I say 

"Perpare to lost" He said moving his lips closer to mine but before he could kiss me I grab his chin 

"I'm a Mikaelson. We never lose" I say and then grab the back of his neck pushing his lips on to mine. He moaned when I slip my hand into his hair pulling on it a little. I pulled away to look him right in the eyes 

"I think I just found one of your kinks" I say. As he moved his hand further up my thigh 

"Don't worry, I'll find yours" He said and kissed my forehead and the last thing that was said was 'Goodnight'

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My Tribrid- Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now