Poe Cup

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I wake up to sunlight hitting me right in the face, I look around to see I wasn't in my room and has I tired to move, an arm around my waist holds me tighter. I look behind me to see Xavier still fast asleep. Thank God, last night wasn't a dream. He looks so peaceful.

"Your staring" He muttered

"I'm admiring" I say playing with his hair as he tight his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to his body.

"Really and do you like what you see?" He asked giving me a little smirk

"Oh, I love it" I say hovering over his lips and then pulling away

"You are a tease" he said as I got out of his grip and out of the bed as he sat up

"If you want your kiss then you are going to have and come and get it" I say running towards the door as I tried to open it, his hand appears and closes it shut. Turning me around to look at him

"I got you now Princess" He said leaning in but he doesn't kiss me just yet, he just hovers over them "You are so beautiful" he breaths out and then finally kisses me. We both moan in pleasure just in the touch. It didn't take long for the kiss to turn from soft and passionate to hunger before we could go any further there was a knock on the door. Xavier groaned in annoyance which made me laugh. He let me go and opened the door just to see Ajax standing there in a clown costume.

"Hey you two" He said walking further into the room "I just came by to give you your costume for the race" He add handing it over to Xavier. Costume?

"Costume? Do all teams where costumes?" I asked them

"Yeah" Ajax said

"Enid team is cats" Xavier told me "She didn't tell you"

"No, if I had known I wouldn't have agreed to be on the team" I say while both of them laugh. Xavier walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my nose

"You are going to make a cute cat and I'm being dead serious" he said kissing my forehead.

"You're my boyfriend your supposed to say that but I have to go and meet up with Enid. I'll see you later" I say giving him a peck on the lips

"Bye Princess" he said as I left the room. I looked at my phone to see I had a text from Enid telling me that she is outside and for me to meet her there. After a quick stop at my dorm room to freshen up, I made my way outside. I saw Enid and the rest of the team and once Enid saw me; she rushes right over.

"There you are. Here is your costume and you can go change in the tent. Wednesday is on her way now." Enid said handing it over to me and pushing me inside the tent. It's a lot bigger on the inside was my first thought. After I changed, Enid started to paint whiskers on my face after she finished that's when Wednesday came out with her costume but no whiskers.

"OMG, you look purr-fect!" Enid said showing her claws "Only thing, where are your whiskers?"

"Ask again, and you'll be down to eight lives" Wednesday said

"Okay, calm down. Look the race is about to start so lets get to our canoe" I say as we got ready. I looked to my left just to see Xavier looking at me. He sent me a wink and I sent him a small smile and it looks like I'm not the only one in love. Seeing Enid and Ajax making heart eyes at each other.

"Both of you focus" Wednesday tells us

"What do we have here? Two runts of the litter" Bianca said on our right

"For the record, we don't believe we are better than everyone else" Wednesday says

"Just that we're better then you" I say finishing off her sentence. Bianca faces drops when we tell her this making her realizes that we heard her. She was going to say something but she closed her mouth and rolled her eyes and faced forward. I looked to my left again to see Xavier still looking at me, giving me a simile at what he just saw well heard. 'You are amazing' He mouth to me. 'I know' I mouth back to him

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