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"I'm going to take a quick shower and then you can go head and take one" I say grabbing some clothes to change into after. "Make yourself at home" I add as I make my way to the bathroom. After a 10-minute shower, getting all the paint off, I was all clean. As I finished up, I walked out to see Xavier looking at all my drawings.

"Shower is free" I say grabbing his attention. I looked to see that he had clothes which meant he left and came back.

"Is this your sister?" he asked holding up a drawn picture of Hope

"Yeah. That's Hope" I say

"You were right, she does look more like your dad." he said putting the picture back

"Yeah besides his eyes. I got those" I say smiling. He walked closer to me

"You do have very beautiful eyes" he said as he starts to hover over my lips, as I waited for the kiss it never came. I opened my eyes to see him not there but I heard a door close and it was the bathroom door.

"TEASE" I yelled hearing him laugh as I said that. Two can play at that game, if he wants to tease me than I'll tease back. Thank God, Hope bought me lingerie. In her words 'You might need it one day soon, it will come in handy'. I looked through all the ones I had and I remember Xavier telling me his favorite color is dark blue and light blue and I had a few to pick threw and once I was ready, I started to do something causal as I waited for him. Once I heard the water stop but heart was in my throat and my hands were starting to sweat, I was actually nervous and was starting to freak out a little but than I stop because it was Xavier. I trust him with my life and with everything, I knew he would never judge me and that goes for my body too. As the door open, he walked out in shorts but no shirt. When he looked up, his mouth hung opened

"Holy-" he began to say as I walked closer to him

"It's not nice to tease. So, it's only fair if I tease back" I say running my finger across his chest. Once I touched his skin, his breathing had change

"T-totally fa-fair" he stutter making me laugh. I took a step and did a little spin

"Do you like? I made sure it was your favorite" I say doing a little innocent smile

"I love it" he said

Third Pov...

*Smut Warning*

He grab her waist pulling her into him, she placed her hands on his bare chest keeping her balance. He grab her chin, making her look up at him and before she knew his soft lips were on hers but it wasn't their normal soft and gentle kiss, it was a hunger kiss like they both have been starving for years and they were finally getting a taste. He moved his hands to the back of her thighs

"Jump" he muttered on her lips. As she did, wrapping her legs around him as he caried her to her own bed laying her down gently without breaking the kiss once. Ariella had a feeling that she knew where this was going and apart of her knew this was going to happen before she put this outfit. He wrapped his arm under her back bringing her hips closer to his, pressing himself against her, grinding as a moan left her mouth.

"You like that?" he asked pressing his lips against her neck. Ariella pushed him away a little, making him look in her eyes as his body hover over hers.

"Before we continue, I have a feeling I know where this is going and I want you to know this is my first time" she said. He smiled down at me as he moved one of his hands to my face as he started cresting my cheek

"Want to know a secret?" he asked her, giving him a simple nod "It's my first time too." he said but she shook my head at him

"You and Bianca, never?" I asked him looking shocked 

My Tribrid- Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now