Kissing in the bathroom

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Third person pov -

It was no secret that Paige had a thing for Kiana, and as much as Kiana didn't wanna admit it she had a thing for the blonde basketball player as well. The two first met in highschool after Azzi and Paige played their first game together. Paige was talking to Azzi after the game as Kiana ran up to Azzi hiding in front of her, Ryland hot on her tail.

"Az hide me" she said, making her older sister laugh. Paige looked at the two in confusion and amusement.

"Kiana Fudd get back here!" a voice rang out in the gym making the two basketball players laugh

Ryland ran up to Kiana as the her eyes widened and she ran behind Page using her as a human shield. The younger Fudd had her hands on the blonde's arms. If she was paying attention she would notice the goosebumps and blush that started to arise on Paige's skin.

"You can't hit me!" Kiana spoke loudly, moving Paige in front of her each time Ryland got close.

"And why not?"

Kiana looked around "Be-because my friend" she paused looking at Paige signaling her to say her name


"Yes my friend Paige here hurt her ankle and I need to walk her to get some ice" Kiana finished wrapping her arm around Paige's shoulders.

Ryland deadpanned "I know all of your friends Kiana, were literally together all the time"

Kiana's smile dropped and so did her arm on Paige's shoulder, the blonde was still a blushing mess.

"Well I tried" she spoke before running out the gym Ryland once again a few steps behind her. Paige turned to Azzi who had a smirk on her face.

"I think I may need glasses, is that blush I see Paige?" Azzi jokes.

"HaHaHa" the blonde spoke in fake annoyance

After that encounter Kiana found that wherever Azzi went Paige was always right there. At first she didn't mind, but then the flirting started. As Kiana was getting to know Paige she actually found her quite attractive, Paige was funny, athletic, and smart. At first the flirting gave her butterflies, but then Paige started to label the flirting as 'jokes'. Now of course this was a defense mechanism for Paige, she feared that the younger Fudd didn't like her the way she liked her. So she would label her flirting as a joke to save herself from rejection. Kiana started to get annoyed by the flirting as it was a constant reminder that Paige didn't really like her. So as time went on the two began to bicker with each other, both unaware of how they truly felt about each other.

Tonight there was a party to kick off the beginning of basketball season. The girls had their first game in a week, so most of them were trying to soak up their last chance to drink before the season started.Everyone was already at the party when Kiana walked in. There were people dancing, making out, and just chilling around.

Paige was talking with Azzi when she noticed someone making their way towards their group. And there she was

Kiana Fudd. She was wearing a black dress with silver shoes. And her curly hair was down, placed neatly on her shoulders. Her radiant smile made Paige's heart melt.

"Close your mouth Bueckers" Azzi whispered jokingly, making the blonde snap out of her day dream.

"Hey guys" Kiana spoke happily, she looked around noticing there were no more chairs.

"Where am I supposed to sit?"

"Should've gotten here earlier" Ryland spoke with a smirk, Azzi nodding in agreement.

"Just sit on Paige's lap" Nika spoke

The curly haired girl thought about it for a moment before she shrugged her shoulders and took a seat on Paige's lap. The blonde wrapped her arm around Kiana's waist. Both girls feeling immense butterflies.

As the night went on laughter filled the room, and empty cups were piling up the tables. Everyone was a little bit tipsy. Kiana was laid back against Paige's chest, the alcohol starting to take a toll on her. She was starting to feel sleepy.

The curly haired girl started to get up before Paige looked at her questionably. She nodded towards the bathroom which made Paige let go of her waist. Kiana walked towards the bathroom not aware that Paige was right behind her. As she went to close the bathroom door she jumped seeing Paige standing there.

"Paige what the hell" she put her hand over her heart

"I'm not letting you go by yourself," Paige started as she entered the bathroom, closing the door behind her. "You know how many men go into bathrooms when they see a girl go in there by themselves?"

Kiana rolled her eyes but she felt slight butterflies at the fact Paige cared so much about her safety.

"What ever just turn around and close your ears"


"Just do it" Fudd whined, making Paige laugh and follow her directions.

The girl quickly did her business before going to the sink to wash her hand. At the sound of the sink turning on Paige turned around and watched the girl through the mirror. She noticed how Kiana always stuck her tongue out when she focused on doing something.

Paige didn't know if it was the alcohol or the dress Kiana was wearing but she quickly placed a kiss on the girl's neck making her freeze.

"Paige" she whispered, but the blonde didn't listen, placing more kisses on Kiana's neck. The younger Fudd's heart was racing and she quickly turned around and attached their lips together.

Paige's hands found their way on to Kiana's hips squeezing them slightly. The curly haired girl was fighting for dominance but gave up when Paige backed her up against the bathroom wall.

"You're so beautiful" Paige mumbled moving her lips back to Kiana's neck, slowly nipping at the skin.The basketball player left dark marks everywhere her lips touched.

Paige pulled back smiling at the amount of hickey's she gave, making Kiana turn to look in the mirror.

"Paige!" Kiana exclaimed in shock, her eyes scanned over the amount of the hickey's on her neck. One, two, three, four,...six! SIX!

"It looks like I was attacked" she continued as Paige laughed at her tone. Kiana snapped her head towards the girl, "It's not funny P"

"Okay okay, I'm sorry". Paige took a step towards Kiana wrapping her arms around her waist. She placed a sweet kiss on her lips. Kiana went to pull away when Paige quickly reached for her cheek and deepened the kiss.

A knock on the door pulled the girls out of their trance. "Hurry up I gotta take a piss" a male voice boomed from the other side of the door. Paige groaned as she rested her head on Kiana's chest in annoyance.

"Go piss in a bottle" The basketball player yelled back

"Fuck no" the voice rang back

Kiana let out a sigh and pulled away from Paige making the girl look up. She watched as the younger Fudd sister fixed her appearance in the mirror before turning to her and grabbing a hold of her hand.

"Come on Paige" She spoke, opening the bathroom door and guiding the blonde back down stairs.

AN - Paige and Kiana 4ever. I think after this book I'm gonna make a book for Nika cause I haven't seen any for her.

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