Happy Birthday

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Paige slightly flinched as kisses peppered her face. A couple of weeks had passed since she and Kiana had sex for the first time. And it was now October 20th, her birthday.

Paige knew Kiana had planned out the whole day. The curly-haired girl did that every year for her loved one's birthdays. Last year for Paige's 21, Kiana planned a dinner that ended with everyone at a club. It was by far Paige's favorite birthday party, but she felt like this year Kiana would find a way to top last year's.

"P, come on get up" Kiana whined straddling the blonde's waist, "Everyone's in the living room waiting already" 

Paige's arms gripped Kiana's waist resulting in the girl lying down on top of her. "Let's just sleep in" she spoke not opening her eyes.

"I already let you sleep in and it's almost twelve"

Paige just let out a groan, rubbing her hands down her girlfriend's back, "Fine". The blonde sat up bringing Kiana up as well. The two looked at each other for a second before a grin spread across Kiana's face.

"Happy Birthday P" The two shared a small kiss before breaking apart.

Her smile automatically made Paige smile as well, "Thanks ma"

"Now go get ready" The curly-haired girl spoke moving away from Paige and moving towards the closet. Kiana heard Paige make her way to the bathroom, she waited for the shower to turn on before she took the gifts out of her closet and sprinted towards the living room. 

"Damn girl, where's the fire?" Nika questioned sitting next to Ryland on the coach. Her arm was wrapped around the girl's waist. Nobody really knew if the two were together yet but it differently looked like it. 

"HAHA," Kiana deadpanned before setting the gift down on the living room table. She had spent last night decorating the whole room, pinning up decorations, and blowing up balloons. Inez was surprised Paige didn't wake up but Kiana reassured the girl that Paige was a deep sleeper. 

"How does it look?" Kiana asked the group straightening out one of the gift bags. She wanted everything to be perfect because that's what Paige deserved. 

 "You asked us that five minutes ago" KK replied while scrolling through TikTok. Kiana threw a pillow at the younger girl's head making KK let out a groan.

"Don't listen to her" Ryland spoke up moving away from Nika. Her arm wrapped around the younger fudd sister. "It looks perfect". 

"Yeah Ki, you really outdid yourself with this one" Azzi spoke making all the girl nod their head in agreement.

The shower turned off making the girl pipe up. "Okay, I'm going to go get Paige. Everyone act nice when she comes out. And by everyone I mean you KK"

"yeah yeah" KK voiced 

Making her way toward Paige's room she saw the girl sitting on her bed scrolling through Instagram.


"What?" the blonde questioned looking up from her phone

"Come on your gifts are in the living room"

"okay okay." She spoke standing up "Come on let's go"

She made her way towards the door before her girlfriend stopped her. "Put some clothes on"

Paige looked down at her body before looking back at Kiana, "I have clothes on babe"

Her response made Kiana roll her eyes "Boxers and a tee shirt, really? Go!"





the blonde turned around muttering to herself as she grabbed an outfit to wear. She picked a pair of baggy cargo pants, an oversized tee, and some fresh Jordans.

She turned towards Kiana smiling "Is this better?" she asked sarcastically

"Much" she responded placing a kiss on her lips "Now let's go, you know how impatient I am". The shorter girl dragged the blonde towards the living room as their whole friend group screamed "Happy Birthday!" making Paige smile. 

"Thanks, guys" Her blue eyes danced around the room taking in all the decorations that were set up, her arm wrapped around Kiana's waist pulling the curly-haired girl into her side.

"22 years old, damn you're like a grandma now" KK laughed 

"you're lucky you're cute" Paige smirked making her girlfriend scoff 


Paige took a seat on the couch pulling Kiana down to sit on her lap. "So what's the wave for today?"

"Well they wanna go to porthouse, apparently they're having a part or something. But if you want we can go to the bar." Azzi replied 

"That's calm, I think we should go to the bar though. That way we can get a section marked off." Paige said making everyone nod their heads. 

"let's go eat though, we've been here for a minute and I haven't eaten anything today" KK Spoke standing up as everyone followed in suit. 

"And since it's your birthday you can pay" the freshman joked wrapping her arm around the blonde's shoulder and making her huff. 

AN- Sorry this chapter is so short. I wanna start writing more because I just left you guys hanging ngl. But I'm just very busy with school and stuff. I have Thanksgiving break in two weeks so expect more updates. 

I'm Yours - Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now