Game day

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Third person pov -

Right now Kiana and Ryland were in the student section waiting for the girls to get announced. They had finished warming up a while ago and made their way to the locker room afterwards.

The two girls were sporting their friends' numbers on their cheeks. Kiana had Azzi and Paige's number while Ryland had Nika and Inez's number.

The music in the arena started to quiet down as the girls made their way back on the court. The two non basketball players watched as the UCONN women's basketball team stood in a straight line.

Kiana looked for Azzi, smiling hard when the two made eye contact. The younger girl gave Azzi a thumbs up. Kiana's eyes then turned towards Paige just to realize the blonde girl was already looking at her with a small smile on her face. When Paige noticed that she had been caught staring her cheeks turned red and she quickly looked away making Kiana laugh.

As time went on the starting players were called out, and of course the student section went crazy. There was a lot of yelling, chanting, and screaming. Kiana and Ryland were sure their voices would be gone by the end of the night.

Uconn was up 105 - 78, which was expected of the team. Every bucket Paige had made that night she made sure to look over to Kiana to see her reaction. Her action made the younger Fudd sister smile.


"Defense!" the arena chanted 

"Fudd steals the ball, she dribbles down the court. She's getting ready to shoot and oh passes it to Bueckers who was open in the corner. Bueckers shoots... and she scores! Paige Bueckers for the three!"

The arena was filled with screaming as the buzzer went off. UCONN had won their first game of the season. Teammates quickly surrounded Paige as they celebrated their win, they all huddled in a circle and jumped up and down in excitement.

"So what were you saying about that date?" Ryland smirked as she looked away from the girls celebrating

"Shut up" Kiana said with a smile on her face, her eyes not leaving the scene that was in front of her.


Kiana and Ryland were now on the floor of the gym waiting for Azzi and Paige to come out.

"No she's like a total bitch, like who the fuck even says that" Ryland ranted

Kiana nodded in response "Nah like that was so shady of her"

"Right! Thank you, I told Nika that and she didn't even see the problem"

"That's surprising" Kiana laughed


"Because she's obviously likes you Ry"

As Kiana spoke out she didn't notice the two basketball players making their way towards the pair. Her back was facing the direction they were coming from.

"She is not"

"Yeah she's all like, Ryland are you cold? Here's my jacket. No no I insist I don't want you to be cold." she teased her best friend

Ryland scoffed

"I mean your lucky no one's even gave me their jacket"

Right after she spoke she felt a pair of arms leaning against her shoulders making her jump. She looked side to side to see Paige and Azzi burst out in laughter.

Kiana rolled her eyes "Haha, you guys are so funny"

"Girl you jumped like six feet" Azzi heaved

"Okay that's not even physically possible for me to do"

"What are you guys talking about?" Paige questioned looking down at Kiana.


"Rylands just shoving her love life in my face" Kiana huffed, faking an eye roll.

"Am not, my love life isn't even a thing"

"Girl, you two both like each other, literally just date. I don't know why you guys have to make it so complicated"

Azzi and Ryland looked at her in confusion

"You're one to talk, look at you and Paige. Poor girl has been chasing you ever since high school"

Paige shook her head in agreement "She's not wrong"

The younger Fudd sister turned to look at Paige "Do you want me to cancel that date?" she replied with her eyebrow raised

Paige let out a cough " I mean she IS wong" she started before looking at Ryland "Your so wrong"

"Anyway unlike you and Nika, Paige and I are going on a date"

"Speaking about that, Pause.You wanting make me squirm was very wrong" Paige faked annoyance

"Relax next time I won't do it"

"So what i'm hearing is that there's gonna be a second date" Paige smirked looking Kiana up and down

"Maybe if you good" Kiana replied back with a smirk as well

The two stared at each other when a cough broke them out of their gaze.

"We're still here you know." Azzi spoke gagging at the sight of her sister and best friend flirting "I think I just threw up in my mouth"

"Anyway, let's go out and eat. I'm starving" Ry said

"Ugh but my legs hurt" Kiana sighed "Carry me?" she pouted, making Azzi and Ryland look at each other before walking away in laughter.

Kiana turned to Paige, a pout still on her face making the blonde girl cheese. She moved her book bag to the front of her before squatting down.

"Get on Ki" she nodded her head towards her back

Kiana giggled, making Paige's heart skip a beat before she jumped on Paige's back.

"This is why your my favorite P" she spoke kissing the girl on the cheek

"Yeah yeah" Paige replied as she made her way towards the exit, her cheeks red with blush. She was trying to play it cool, but damn did that kiss on the cheek give her butterflies. 

"Are you blushing?



"Are you guys making out?" Ryland yelled out making both the girls embarrassed

"Shut up!" they both screamed back

AN - I love how Paige is already so soft for Kiana, they're gonna be couple goals.

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