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3rd person pov -

Panic. That's what Kiana was doing when she realized she told Paige she loved her. The girl was now pacing around in her dorm as Ryland sat on her bed watching.

"Okay, first of all stop, you're giving me a headache. And second just text her back Ki, she's literally panicking because you've been avoiding her for the last 24 hours."

Kiana's head snapped towards Ryland "I have not, I literally talked to her today". Ryland shot her a look making Kiana sigh

"Okay maybe our conversation was a little short"

"You literally said "Hey Bueckers I can't talk" and then hung up the phone. You even used her last name Ki, her last name! You never call her by her last name anymore, she knows something is up."

Kiana plopped down on the bead next to Ryland laying her head on the girl's shoulder "I know I feel bad it's just. You know I'm not the type to tell someone I love them so early. It took me three years to physically say I loved you. I would rather show it than say it, the thought of telling someone I love them kinda makes me want to gag, but it felt so natural with Paige. It just slipped out and I don't regret it but what if she finds it weird you know."

Ryland played with Kiana's curls as the girl ranted about her feelings, "I know but Paige is in love with you Kiana. She's loved you since you were teens. She probably didn't respond because she was in shock. But right now you're making her go crazy because you're avoiding her existence. So I think you should take some time to figure out what you wanna say and then call her tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay" Ki sighed

"Now let's get ready for this frat party, Adian invited me and I wanna post pics on insta to make Nika jealous" Ryland spoke making Kiana laugh

"Your evil"


"Paige I swear if you sigh one more time I"m going to kill you" Azzi huffed out.

But Paige just lifted her head from her position on the bus and let out a long sigh looking at her phone. It went quiet for a second before Azzi's eye started to twitch and she lunged for her best friend. But Nika quickly got in between the two and moved them away from each other.

"Azzi calm done she's just in a little funk" Nika spoke towards the curly haired girl "And Paige seriously stop sighing it's driving me crazy, just call her if it's bothering you so bad"

"You don't think I tried it just keeps going to voicemail. I mean she said she's busy but she was literally talking to Inez earlier today." Paige spoke annoyedly looking at the sleeping girl.

Nika looked down at her phone before smiling up at Paige "Ryland just posted on instagram and they're always together" she spoke taking a seat next to Paige.

The two girls clicked Rylands profile to see a sight that angered them both. It was a picture of Ryland, Kiana, and a group of guys and girls. Two guys had their arms wrapped around Kiana and Ryland's waist making Paige and Nika look at them in disgust.

That caption of the picture read "Night out with the gang"

"Who the fuck is that" Paige spoke snatching the phone out of NIka's hand, "I thought she was busy? What the fuck is this?"

Nika sat in her spot staring off into space as Azzi tried to calm Paige down. "P it's probably one of her friends with nothing major to worry about, she loves you". But Paige didn't listen, she looked at the people tagged in the picture before clicking the guy's profile freezing when she saw his recent story post.

I'm Yours - Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now