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3rd person POV -

That same night Paige and Kiana cuddled up together in the basketball player's bed. The two have been watching episodes of criminal minds, sharing kisses in between. Paige was laid on her back as Kiana cuddled into her side, one of her legs thrown over the blonde's waist.

Kiana was so into the show she didn't notice the fact that Paige was staring right at her. The blonde watched as her girlfriends eyebrows furrowed and her lips spread apart in shock.

"Babe did you see that?" Kiana questioned moving her head to look up at Paige. But the only response she received was Paige's lip connecting with hers. The kiss started off slow just like the ones they shared previously but it quickly turned heated when Paige flipped them over. The blonde hovered over her girlfriend and Kiana grinned as Paige's silver chain dangled in her face.

The younger Fudd sister wrapped her hands around the back of Paiges neck and pulled her down so their lips attached once more. Paige's hands moved down to the bottom of Kiana's shirt, she quickly broke the kiss off and lifted the shirt over her girlfriends head.

A hum left Paige's lips as Kiana started to leave hickeys on her neck. She felt hands play with the strings on her pants before her eyes snapped open.

"Paige!" a voice woke her from her slumber "Babe get up"

The blonde turned her head to the side to see Kiana hovering over her with a frantic look on her face. "P come on we're gonna be late. You have practice and I have to shoot some media content"

At this information Paige lept up from her position and quickly scrambled around her room to get ready. She hated being late to anything especially because the coach would make them run or do extra workouts.

"I thought I set my alarm" Paige spoke frantically as she changed into her practice gear. Luckily she usually has her bag filled with everything she needs the night before.

"It's fine P, everyone's late once in a while" Kiana spoke, handing her a protein bar before collecting her bag and making her way towards the door.

"I'll see you in two hours, I gotta film some content for your team" Kiana smiled before making her way out, she quickly turned around when Paige groaned. A pout was on the blonde's face before she pointed at her lips making the curly haired girl roll her eyes. Kiana made her way towards Paige placing a kiss on her lips before speed walking out the door.

"I love you bye"

Walking out of Paige's room she could hear the girl girl replied with an "I love you too"


A few hours had passed since the two girls had split in the morning and Kiana was now in the gym setting up her camera to film. Ryland was sitting on the floor next to her scrolling through instagram.

A ball flew past her head making her flinch backwards and turn her head sharply to the culprit. Inez stood at the end of the court holding her stomach and bending over with laughter.

"Ha.Ha your so funny" Kiana replied shooting the girl a fake smile "Your so lucky your my friend or I would hurt you"

"You can't hurt me Ki, I run faster than you, therefore you would not be able to catch me" Inez sassed back. The two stood across the gym staring at each other before Kiana broke out in a sprint chasing after her. Inez quickly reacted, running towards the locker room as Kiana shouted after her.

"Inez get back here"

"Someone help"

Kiana chased Inez into the locker room as the women's basketball team watched the two girls around.

"Paige save me" Inez spoke, moving the blonde in front of her.

Paige looked at her girlfriend in amusement as she tried to move past her.

"She can't save you Inez. No one can" Kiana spoke evilly, making Inez shrek, "I'll get you eventually, might not be today or tomorrow but i'll get you" she nodded walking away. When she made it in the doorway Inez sighed moving away from Paige and making her way towards her locker. But Kiana quickly turned around and ran towards the girl when Paige picked her up through her shoulder.

"Okay let's go" Paige spoke walking out the door down the hallway. She set her down and placed a kiss on her lips.

AN - Hey guys I'm trying to post more since the book has been getting a lot more attention. But I hope you liked it, sorry it was so short.

I'm Yours - Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now