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Third person pov -

As the night continued the two girls retrieved back to their spot on the couch. Paige became a little bit more touchy and territorial after what had happened in the bathroom. Of course to them it seemed like whatever was going on between them wasn't noticeable. But boy were they wrong,

As soon as they made their way back to the group Azzi, Nika, and Ryland noticed the two holding hands. Not to mention the number of hickey's Kiana had on her neck. The three girls smiled at each other with knowing looks. Ryland passed ten bucks to Azzi .

The five of them talked on the couch for a little until a familiar song blasted through the speakers making Ryland and Kiana's heads snap up. Paige looked at the two in confusion as Kiana quickly got up and made her way to the dance floor with her best friend

"Are they gonna?" Paige questioned

"Yep" Azzi spoke amused

"I thought they grew out of that" Nika added to the conversation

"Me too"

The three basketball players watched as the two girls on the dance floor sang and danced their hearts out to a one direction song.

"I want you to hit the pedal heavy metal, show me you care. I want you to rock me,mmh, rock me yeah" the two girls belted

Kiana was so into her little world that she didn't even notice the guy creeping up behind her until hands gripped her waist. She quickly turned around to come face to face with a drunk frat boy. His brown hair was drenched in sweat and stuck to his forehead.

"Get off of me" she tried to push his hands away but they didn't budge

"Come on, we can have so much more fun upstairs" he suggested, wiggling his eyebrows up and down. Kiana was sure she never cringed so hard in her life. She was about to respond when a voice did for her.

"She said get the fuck off of her are you deaf" Ryland sneered out, her hands crossed over her chest .

"Oh you have a friend" he smirked "I mean just you and I would've been fine but I guess we can add another"

"Is he bothering you?" a familiar voice spoke up making Kiana and Ryland turn around. There stood Paige,Azzi, and Nika. All three of them looked the guy up and down as if he was the most disgusting thing to walk the earth.

Kiana turned back around to the guy, noticing his smirk was quickly replaced with an open mouth and wide eyes.

"I don't know" she smirked at his reaction "Are you bothering us?" she questioned

The guy quickly shook his head "Nah I was just telling them how pretty they looked" he spoke pointing towards Ryland and Kiana. His answer pissed Paige off even more.

"Yeah well she already has someone who tells her that '' Paige spoke, wrapping her arm around Kiana and pulling her back into her chest. "Me.So why don't you fuck off "

The guy quickly nodded before turning around and speed walking away from the group of girls. There was silence amongst the group before Ryland broke it with laughter.

"Oh my god he almost shit his pants. Did you guys see his face?" Ryland's face was red from how hard she had been laughing. Kiana looked over to Nika and noticed the girl was looking at Ryland with admiration, something she would have to question later.

"I think that's enough for tonight." Azzi started "How about we go get some snacks and have a movie night at Paige and I's dorm?"

All the girls nodded as they made their way out of the party, Paige's grip on Kiana never faltering.

Somehow the girls ended up at a 7-11 a couple minutes away from campus.  Ryland, Azzi, and Nika practically sprinted into the store leaving Paige and Kiana alone. The two sat in silence, not the awkward silence that makes you wanna die, comfortable silence. Kiana was playing roblox on her phone as Paige scrolled through her socials.

"So" Paige stretched out. She had begun to sober up and was itching to talk about what had happened in the bathroom. "Are we gonna talk about it?"

The younger fudd sister's eyes didn't leave her phone screen as she replied back to her question. "Talk about what?"

Evidently she knew what Paige was gonna bring up, but to be honest she knew if they talked about what happened it could go two ways. Really awkward or really good. She didn't want it to be the prior.

The basketball player let out a huff "You know what im talking about Ki. You me a bathroom, does that ring a bell? If it doesn't i'm sure the hickey's on your neck will remind you" she smirked

But the only response Paige received was a groan from when Kiana died on roblox.Silence filled the car once again, and this time it was awkward.

"Let me take you on a date" Paige spoke, making Kiana look in her direction. The curly haired girl stared at her for a second before busting out in laughter.

"You, Paige Bueckers wanna take me out on a date?"


The blonde's answer only provided Kiana with more laughter, tears started to stream down her face. And although Paige loved to make Kiana laugh, she was a bit frustrated that the girl wasn't taking her seriously.

"What? Why are you laughing?"

"Because Paige this must be a joke, all you do is joke around with me"

"What do you mean I've asked you on a date plenty of times and you always say no"

Kiana turned off her phone and placed it on her thigh "That's because I know you joking with me Paige, I don't know what to take seriously"

The blonde placed a hand on Kiana's cheek "Well im telling you this as seriously as I can. I wanna take you out on a date. No jokes, just me and you."

Silence once again

"Okay I'll go on a date with you" Kiana started making Paige lean in for a kiss with a huge smile on her face.

"If" the curly haired girl pulled back "You win your game next week" she finished with a smirk making Paige lean back and groan.

"But you already know we're going to win, we win every year" she whined to the younger Fudd.

Kiana patted her cheek "Good so it won't be a problem. You just gotta wait another few days." She picked back up her phone. "Now shut up I'm trying to complete this obby on Roblox."

AN - I need to add some drama so that's probably gonna happen in next chapter! I can't wait for them to start dating cause Kiana is gonna be so soft for Paige.

I'm Yours - Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now