You think i'm cute?

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Paige's Pov -

"Game day!" the girls shouted in the locker room causing me to laugh. Today was our game against LSU, they were a good team but I feel like we could hold our own against them. To be honest I'm kind of nervous because today's game is a big match up. I went on my instagram this morning and everyones talking about Angel rice and I going against each other for the number one spot.

I have nothing against Angel. I think she's a great basketball player and I respect her craft, but I just hate that everyone has to pin us against each other like we're the only ones on the court. All the headlines have been Angel vs Paige, but the games UCONN vs LSU.

I was sitting on my locker bouncing my knee up and down when Azzi snapped me out of my thoughts.

"You good P? Your leg is shaking like crazy and you look extra pale"

"Yeah I'm fine" I sighed rubbing my eyes "Just a little nervous"

Azzi shot me a smile showing off her pearly white teeth "You'll do fine P. You have the team, Kiana, your family, and all of our supporters cheering you on. I know you're nervous about all the media talk but just play how you always play P."

I smiled back at Azzi embracing her in a hug "Thanks Az"

"No problem. Now I gotta go get ankle taped, cheer up and believe in yourself" she spoke walking away.

I took a deep breath trying to calm my nervous down. She was right. I had my family, the team, Azzi, and Kiana showing me a great amount of support.

I felt my phone vibrate telling me I got a notification.

Hey, I just wanted to make sure you're okay, I know you are nervous but you'll do amazing. Just do what you always do and stay positive. <333

Damn the Fudds definitely know how to give pep talks I thought smiling down at my phone.

Thanks babe, I was nervous but I got pep talk from two amazing girls. I can't wait to see you out there!

I hope you talking about Azzi 🙄

I laughed at her response

Of course ma

"Paige," Nika said, making my head snap up from my phone, "Come on we gotta go, warm ups are starting" she finished grabbing my arm and dragging me out the locker room.


3rd person pov -

Kiana sat in the stands with Ryalnd as the UCONN women's basketball team started to come out. They were all dressed in their warm up gear, and Kiana thought Paige looked so good in her gray sweatsuit.

"Do you need a napkin?" Ry spoke making KIana look over confused

"No, why?"

"Cause you got a little drool" she pointed towards the corner of Kiana's mouth making the curly haired girl hit her hand away.

"You're just mad because I have a girlfriend and you don't" Ki teased "And don't act like you weren't staring at Nika"

"Whatever" Ry mumbled looking back at the court. She looked over to where Paige was, seeing the blonde trying to get her girlfriends attention.

"Your girlfriend wants you" she giggled, wiggling her eyebrows.

Kiana turned her attention towards Paige to see a smile ajar on the girls face. When Paige and her made eye contact the basketball player waved enthusiastically making Kiana laugh.

I'm Yours - Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now