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Third person pov -

The past couple of days Paige has been going extra hard at practice. She knew Kiana was coming to their first home game and she wanted to impress the girl. And hopefully win herself a date with the youngest Fudd sister.

Right now Paige was practicing with Azzi,Nika, and Inez. The four girls were doing drills back to back.

"Okay I need a water break" Nika huffed as she rested her hands on her knees.Inez and Azzi followed the Croatian girl to the bench as Paige stayed on the court shooting buckets.

"Damn Paige I know you wanna take Kiana on a date but at least take a five minute water break" Inez voiced looking at the blonde with amazement and worry.

"I'm still shocked she agreed to go on a date with you" Azzi laughed when she noticed Paige turn to her and give her a glare.

"She didn't agree" Paige started as she dribbled around the court "She said if we win the game."

Nika, Azzi, and Inez gave Paige a dumb founded look

"Girl Kiana's not dumb. She knows we're gonna win,we literally beat them every year. She just wants to see you sweat"

"Yeah well I still wanna get as much practice in. If I play ass tomorrow while she's watching, that would be so embarrassing."

The three girls laughed as Paige continued to shoot around


"Okay so which shirt should I wear this one or this one?"

Ryland turned around and looked at the two shirt options that Kiana was holding up. "Umm the one on the left" she spoke, making Kiana hum in approval.

It was the first home game of the season and the two girls were getting ready in their dorm.

"So what are you wearing on your date with Paige" Ryland questioned

"What do you mean? Paige and I may not even go on a date, I said if they win"

"Girl be so for real right now" Ry deadpanned making Kiana laugh

"Okay so I got this green dress, because you know green is my all time favorite color. I think I'm just gonna wear that with some white or silver heels." she finished making her best friend squeal in excitement

"I can't believe you two are going on a date. Do you think she's stressing over it?"

"Ry it's Paige, of course she's stressing over it. She's probably in the locker room right now pacing back and forth because she doesn't want to screw up tonight." Ki spoke, applying a layer of clear lip gloss to her lips.


"I'm freaking out" Paige spoke, pacing back and forth in the locker room. Her hands kept moving from her head to her hips. Azzi looked at the girl and laughed.

"I don't know why you're so stressed, she literally comes to our games all the time."

"Yeah but the development of our relationship relies on this game. If I screw it up, I'm done. She'll probably move on to someone else and I'll become a cat lady. I hate cats!"

"Paige" Azzi stopped the blonde from pacing "Let's just call her"

"What No!"

"I'm calling her" Azzi spoke walking away from Paige as she tried to follow the older Fudd.

"Azzi don't you dar-"

"Hey Azzi what's up" Kiana's voice interrupted Paige

The basketball player's eyes widened as she quickly hid so Kiana couldn't see her through the camera.

"Hey Ki, are you ready for your date?"

Paige heard Kiana let out a laugh "Yeah I went shopping for a outfit yesterday".

That news made Paige release a huge smile. Butterflies filled her stomach as she heard the curly haired girls answer.

"Then why did you tell her that she had to win first?" Azzi asked knowing

"Because I like to see her squirm. Is she shitting her pants right now?"

"No," Paige said, taking the phone away from Azzi. She looked at the camera to see Kiana was sitting in the car next to Ryland.

"Yeah she was, she was like my love life depends on this game"

Paige blushed as Kiana and Azzi teased her. The girl tried to fake annoyance but she was relieved that Kiana already took steps to prepare for the date.


"Okay I gotta go, love you Az" Kiana said showing off her dimpled smile.

"Love you too sis!"

"What about me?" Paige pouted like a child

Kiana smiled at the blonde being childish "I love you Paige" she teased before hanging up the phone. There was a moment of silence before Azzi reached out to touch Paige's face.

"Sorry you had a little drool there. I think I got it" she squinted making fun of the girl

"Oh you got jokes" she spoke before chasing the girl out of the locker room.

AN - Sorry this chapter is so small, I haven't had any time to write. But I'm gonna try and publish another chapter tonight if I can.

I'm Yours - Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now