Movie Nights

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"No. No scary movies" Ryland whined taking a pillow and wrapping her arms around it. The girl was sat next to Azzi and Nika while Paige and Kiana cuddled on the other couch. The blondes head laid on her girlfriends chest as her arms wrapped around her waist as well.

"And can you two stop being gross for five seconds" Ryland added looking at the couple "It's making me want to scratch my eyes out."

"You're just mad that you have no one to cuddle with" Paige sassed making Kiana laugh

"Shut up" Ry mumbled before picking a movie an starting it.

The group was watching Annabelle, much to Ry's dismay. A bunch of snacks surrounded the girls, and Kiana pulled up a blanket that covered her and Paige's bodies.

The curly haired girl was so into the movie that she didn't notice Paige was trying to get her attention until she felt a pair of soft lips on her neck.

Kiana moved to the side breaking the contact of Paige's lips and her neck. Or at least tried to. The blonde was quick to attach her lips on her girlfriends neck once again.

"P what are you doing"  Ki whispered quietly

"Nothing just relax" she whispered back. Her hands moved from Kiana's waist to the inside of her thigh.

"We're not about to have sex while our friends are on the couch right next to us P" Her heart sped up a Paige placed sloppy kisses on top of her boobs.

"Why not?" The blonde pouted, pulling her mouth away from Kiana's skin. The youngest Fudd looked down at Paige noticing the bright blue eyes that stared up at her.

"Uh because that's weird as fuck, now shut up and watch the movie" She replied



When the movie ended Kiana went back with Paige to her dorm while Nika, Ryland, and Azzi stayed at theirs. Criminal minds played in the background as the two girl made out on the basketball players bed.

Kiana was straddling Paiges waist, one hand cupping her cheek and the other placed on the back of her neck. Paige's lips felt soft against hers making the girl feel euphoric, she dug her hips against the blondes as she felt Paige grip her waist.

"P I think we should stop, it's getting late and you have an early practice tomorrow" Kiana moaned. Paige just hummed as she moved her lips from Kiana's and placed them on her neck.

The curly haired girl threw her head back and let out a small moan as Paige found her sweet spot and started to suck on it.

"P" Kiana tried again

Paige groaned breaking their contact and looked up at the girl who was straddling her. She noticed how plump Kiana's lips were and the red hickeys she had given the girl. A smirk was placed on her lips as she took in how beautiful her girlfriend was.

"Ki I don't care if I have an early practice tomorrow" Paige bit her bottom lip "Right now I just wanna make love to my beautiful girlfriend. Do you wanna make love to me?" She questioned with hooded eyes.

Kiana blushed making eye contact with her girl, "Of course I do P"

Her response made Paige beam as she flipped them over and hovered above her, "Great, now let me make you feel good." she whispered taking off Kiana's shirt and kissing down her body.

her touch made the brown skin girl arch her back, an action that made Paige very proud. She started off at the neck and kissed her way all the way down to the start of Kiana's pajama pants.

"May I?" She asked looking up at her lover. She received a nod which made her pout, "Words love, I need words"

Kiana rolled her eye in annoyance "Come on P"



The next thing Kiana could feel was Paiges tongue liking her core bring her back off the mattress once again. Her hand found there way to the blondes head and she lightly tugged on making her girl friend him.

"F..fuck P" Kiana's mouth shout open as Paige sloped a finger in her. After a couple of minutes Paige could tell the pleasure got to much for Kiana. The brown skin tried to close her thighs and section Paige didn't really care for.

"Open them" she huffed pushing her blonde hair out of her face.

"P" Kiana whined but Paige's face remanded serious

"Now Ki"

The girl quickly opened her legs making Paige drive right back into her core. The basketball players hands rested on her thighs making sure the girl couldn't close her legs again.

"Yess, ugh, fuck Paige right t..there" Kiana moaned as she threw her head back in ecstasy. Paige let her girlfriend ride out her high before sitting up and wiping her chin off with a shit eating grin.

"I hate you" The curly haired curly spoke panting out of breath. Her reaction stemmed from her girlfriends grin.

"No you don't" Paige responded laying down of her bare chest.

AN - I wrote a smut??? Let me know if it was good, I haven't really wrote a smut so I didn't really know what to do, but y'all wanted it so.

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