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Prologue - 

A lot has changed in the past two years. One thing was that Kiana and Paige were no longer together. The happy loving couple split when news reported that Paige had been spotted with another girl. At first, Kiana didn't think anything about it. She trusted Paige and knew that the girl would bring her no harm.

But then the pictures and video footage came out. Kiana could remember seeing the video for the first time so vividly. Tears fell from her pretty brown eyes as she watched the girl she loved kiss another girl. 

Paige on the other hand had no memory of this event. The last thing she remembered was going to a party with some of her teammates and waiting at the bar for a drink. When she saw what the media had posted she immediately made her way to Kiana's dorm. 


"Ki!" The blonde spoke knocking on her girlfriend's door. Her hands felt sweaty and clammy. Aligning with her nervousness.

"Ki, babe opens up. I know you in here!" she spoke again. Paige raised her hand to knock again when the door swung open. Kiana stood in front of the blonde basketball player, with and stern look in her eyes. 

"What," Kiana replied sharply. Her voice held no emotion, making Paige internally wince.

Paige played with her hands as she rambled and explained "Babe I promise that wasn't me. I have no memory of me kissing another girl let alone talking to one..."

Her girlfriends let out a laugh which would've calmed her down if the situation was so severe. "If it's not you...then who's in the picture Bueckers?" The curly hair pulled out her phone before tossing it towards the blonde. 

Paige caught it with ease before looking at the video. It was her, but she didn't know how or when this was taken. Hell, she didn't even know who the girl in the video was.

"Okay...well yeah that's me, but I have no memory of that ever happening" She replied down at the shorter girl. She tried to grab Kiana's hands, but the younger fudd sister took a step back putting space in between them.

"Yeah well it did happen Paige" Kiana stated. A pause filled the air as the two looked at each other. "Look maybe it's better if we break up" Ki sighed breaking their eye contact and looking down at the ground.

Her response made Paige's heart beat and not in a good way. "Ki, please I swear to god I-" 

"You should go. I have some stuff to shoot and I don't want to be late" Kiana cut Paige off. 


"Bye p" Kiana gave the girl a small fake smile before gently shutting the door 

End of Flashback 

After that, Paige respected Kiana's request and stayed away from the girl. The two only interacted when their friends hung out. But even then they were on opposite sides of the room. 

But it's a new year meaning that the pair will have to see each other again. And with Kiana working exclusively with the women's basketball team it looks like the pair are going to be around each other for a long time.

AN- I know y'all are probs mad right now. But I wanted them to break up so they could be drama and Paige could win Kiana back. Bye, luvs!!!!!

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