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Third person pov -

Paige, Kiana, Ryland, and Azzi sat in the two basketball players' dorm watching the new episode of euphoria. The four girls had been binge watching T.V shows all day because Azzi and Paige had a day off.

"I can't believe Cassie did that to Maddy" Azzi spoke up from her position on the couch

"She's better than me, I'll tell you that, '' Paige replied, her voice sending vibrations through Kiana's head. Her response made Kiana laugh "P be so forreal. You couldn't hurt a fly"

"I don't know Ki, remember when we went to the party at the beginning of the year. Paige was ready to rip off that guy's head." Azzi pointed to Ryland in agreement.

Paige rolled her eyes remembering what happened at the party "That guy was an asshole" she started before looking down at her girlfriend "And you act like I don't take peoples ankles for a living."

Azzi, Kiana, and Ryland laughed in response.

"Alright Ry and I gotta go, we're gonna meet up with Nika and Inez"

"Oooh Nika" Kiana wiggled her eyebrows teasingly

"Shut up" Ryland threw a pillow at the girl hitting her square in the face.

"Ow! What the fuck"

Ryland stuck her tongue out in response before grabbing her phone and leaving with Azzi. Kiana looked up at Paige who was trying to keep in her laugh.

"You're gonna let her get away with this?" she spoke shocked. But Paige just shrugged letting out a small chuckle.

"That wasn't funny P"

"It was a little funny"

The younger fudd sister moved away from Paige's grip and sat on the opposite side of the couch.

"Wait,wait come back" Paige groaned at the loss of contact

"Screw you"

"Already? I mean we just got together but shit if that's what you want i'll be happy to-" but Paige was quickly cut off by a pillow hitting her in their face.


"It's not so funny now" Kiana smirked but her face fell when she noticed Paige didn't respond to her teasing. She looked over to the blonde, noticing her hand was placed over her eye making her quickly move towards her girlfriend.

"P are you okay? I didn't mean to hit you in the eye, I'm sorry" she rambled, but as soon as she finished Paige pulled her back into her arms.

"Got ya" she beamed, making Kiana roll her eyes

"You're so annoying" she huffed facing the blonde

"Yeah but you like it"

And with that Paige cupped Kiana's jaw and pulled her face towards hers connecting their lips together. The kiss started soft and gentle but turned into a make out sesh when Paige deepened the kiss. Her action made both of their lips swollen and red.

"I love kissing you," Paige whispered as they pulled away, their faces a few inches apart.


As time passed on the couple slowly fell asleep watching reruns of old tv shows. Azzi and Nika walked back in the dorm to see Paige and Kiana cuddled next to each other.

Nika looked at them and awed, "There so cute, I can't" she gushed watching her close friends snuggle with each other.

"I know right, I've been waiting for them to get together since highschool. I'm just glad it finally happened ." Azzi chuckled quietly.

The older fudd sister took out her phone and snapped a picture of her sister and best friend. But she quickly panicked when she noticed the flash was on. Kiana had always been a heavy sleeper so it wasn't her she was worried about.

As soon as the flash went off Paige's eyes started to slowly open making Nika and Azzi freeze in place.

"Nika? Azzi?" The blonde yawned softly

The two basketball players shot each other looks before Nika spoke up "This is all a dream Paige. You're dreaming" she spoke moving her hands around magically in the air.

Azzi facepalmed as Paige shot Nika a deadpanned look.

"What she meant to say was sorry, I was just looking for my charger" Azzi started before scanning the room "And oh look where it is, Nika and I are just gonna go in my room" she finished dragging the tall croatian down the hall.

The sound of Azzi's door closing made Kiana start to move around in Paige's hold. The blonde looked down and noticed Kiana's eyes starting to open.

"What was that? '' Kiana mumbled into Paige's neck sending chills down her spine.

"It was just the neighbors" Paige dismissed pulling her closer "Let's go back to sleep ma"

Kiana hummed in agreement before closing her eyes again and letting sleep take over.

Authors Note - Sorry this chapter is so short I have a test coming up and I wanted to post before then. Also tomorrow i'm gonna see Paige, Azzi, and the rest of the girls at a UCONN game tomorrow! Can't wait :))))

I'm Yours - Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now