My girl

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Third person pov -

Nerves. That was what Page was feeling before her and Kiana's date. The blonde had organized everything perfectly. First she would take Kiana to a picnic on the beach.She knew how the curly haired girl didn't really vibe with expensive restaurants. Kiana claimed those were for big milestones and events. Then she would take Kiana to her favorite ice cream shop, which was in the next town over. And after they walked around for a little bit they would come back to Paige's dorm where the two will watch movies and cuddle. If everything went to plan. That's when she would confess her feelings verbally and make it clear that she did like Kiana...alot. Paige grabbed her keys and made her way out of her dorm hoping that when she returned Kiana would be right next to her.

Kiana on the other hand was surprisingly calm. She spent all day pampering herself, she got her nails done and put on some face masks. Kiana now sat in front of her mirror adding a finishing touch of lip gloss on her pink lips.

"Girl you look so good, Paige is totally gonna shit herself when she sees you" Ryland spoke up, staring at her best friend through the mirror. "Oh maybe when you and Paige become official you could hook me and Nika up! Oh my god that would be so cute, imagine the four of us going on double dates."

Kiana looked back at Ryland with an eyebrow arched "Just because Paige and I are going on a date doesn't mean we're gonna be official. I went on three dates this year and I still don't have a significant other"

"Not yet" Ry wiggled her eyebrows

Kiana let out a snort before standing up and looking in the mirror one last time. She was wearing a green sundress, but instead of wearing heels like she planned she opted for a pair white converse.

"What time is your lover girl picking you up?"

"She should be here in a couple of minutes"

A knock at the door was followed by Kiana's statement making both girls lock eyes.

"Is that her?" Ry whispered

"I don't know, I told her to text me when she's outside so I could walk out." Kiana responded, making her way to the door. When she opened it the first thing she noticed was a big bouquet of flowers. Her favorite flowers.

Paige's head popped out from the side "Hey Ki, these are for you" she spoke so noncholantly. To be honest Kiana wasn't expecting this, I mean it was Paige. She had never seen Paige make a romantic gesture ever.

She smiled showing off her pearly white teeth as her heart started to beat faster. Taking the flowers out of Paige's hands she motioned for the blonde to come in.

"Thanks Paige that's really sweet of you"

"Anything for my girl" Paige laughed before realizing what she said. "No-not that you're my girl or anything. You're just a friend" she seemed to panic even more when she noticed the look on Kiana's face "I mean not friend, you're a crush? I'm just trying to say I really like you and I-"

"Oh my god we get it you're in love with her or something" Ryland spoke up from her position on the bed. "I think I just threw up in my mouth, that was so hard to watch. Just take her and leave before she changes her mind" she finished, taking the flowers from Kiana and shoving the two girls out of the dorm.

The two girls stood in the hallway for a second in shock before Kiana started making her way outside. She stopped when she noticed she didn't hear another pair of shoes pattering against the floor. "Come on, Bueckers we have a date to catch"

Her ear quickly heard the sound of footsteps trying to catch up with her, before an arm went around her shoulder.

"Me? Miss our date? Never" Paige spoke making both of them laugh

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