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"Paige pleaseee, I promise it'll be fun." Kiana whined as her girlfriend sat on the couch playing video games. The blonde took her gaze off of the t.v for a second before looking back at the game.


Kiana huffed sinking down into her spot in the couch. "Don't pout Ki"

"I'm not" she grumbled back

"Yeah you are I can feel it" Paige spoke not taking her eyes off the t.v.

A few minutes of silence went by before Kiana crawled into Paige's lap.

"Babe what are you doing?"The blonde moved her head around so she could get a good view of the game. Kiana wrapped her arms around Paige and proceeded to pepper kisses on her neck.

"Mmmh" Paige moaned "Ki you can't just kiss me and think you're gonna get your way"

The curly haired girl pulled away with a pout. "It's not working?"

Paige threw her head back moving the controller to the side "Of course it working. It always works" she mumbled the last part making Kiana grin.

Kiana quickly got up from Paige's lap and gave her a quick kiss before making her way towards her own room. "I'll be ready in an hour"

Paige sighed before picking her phone up "happens every single time" she spoke to herself.


Kiana stepped out her room wearing a short mini skirt and corset top. When she got in front of Paige she did a small twirl, "How do I look?"

Paige stood up from her seat and circled her girlfriend before pulling the skirt down over her butt. "It looks like your gonna flash your ass checks" she started giving Kiana's butt a tap.

"I mean yeah it's a little revealing but luckily my super hot, muscular girlfriend will keep everyone away" she joked pressing a kiss to the basketball players lips.

Paige let out a laugh "You look good, just don't bend down or I might have to fight someone tonight"

The blondes response made Kiana smile and before she knew it the two were on the way to a party that the Men's basketball team was having. The two girls walked in hand in hand and were immediately greeted by people.

Kiana squeezed Paiges hand once making the latter look down at her, "Hey I'm going to go get a drink do you want anything?"

"Nah I'm good" She spoke giving her girlfriend a peck before she watched her walk away. Kiana made her way to the kitchen looking at the drinks and snacks they had out. She was minding her business when she heard a group of girls a couple of feet away

"Paige looks so hot" A blonde spoke towards her group of friends. Kiana sided eyed them and notice all the girls were eye fucking her girlfriend.

"I know. I heard she has a girlfriend though"

"So. All athletes have someone they're 'dating'. If you're hot enough they'll fold. Watch and learn" Another girl spoke up strutting her way towards Paige.

And watch is exactly what Kiana did. She watched as the girl approached Paige and tried to start a conversation. The blonde smiled back at the girl the whole time being too friendly for her girlfriends liking. The girl then tried to rest a hand on Paige's shoulder but she quickly dogged it and shook her head at whatever the girl was saying.

Kiana's eyes moved back to her cup as she saw the girl coming back towards her group of friends.

"So?" One of them spoke up

I'm Yours - Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now