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1989 Seattle, WA

I've been in Seattle now for a year and I still have much to discover.
When I first moved here I had no idea where to start or where to go to meet anyone or where I could live. I rolled straight out of College in Colchester, which is a City in the UK, to be here to further my photography career.

My parents were the least bit thrilled when I told them I would be going to America to pursue bigger things. My mother would say "Well where will you live?" And "Why can't you study here?" In turn making me feel like I couldn't do it. However this University in Seattle had a much better offer than the one I was planning to go to in London, and could give me a longer course rather than a year. Not to mention London was ridiculously expensive and even though I had to travel across the pond, Seattle University turned out to be more affordable even with the exchange rate. Luckily the University was so impressed with my portfolio, that they found a way to fly me out to the States without me paying for Plane tickets. It was just me, a backpack, my portfolio and my trusty Bass Guitar.

My mother and father stopped talking to me for a few months when I came out here originally. They thought I was chasing a stupid dream or that I was going through a phase. Honestly, I'm 22 years old! However after they figured out that I was getting by fine, they decided to write to me and call the Hostel where I was temporarily staying.

The hostel was cheap but it was somewhere to stay, and after getting a job at the On-Campus coffee shop, I could afford to rent an apartment.

I had made a friend in my photography classes called Sally, who decided to speak to me despite my introverted nature. I am quiet but when I feel comfortable around someone, I come out of my shell a little. Sally calls me Alona jokingly, rather than Alana because I'm honestly not a social butterfly like she is, but that's okay.

One rainy October, just before Halloween, she persuaded me to come along to a small bar where she said a relatively unknown band was playing.

She knew I was a fan of music and she would often rave about the music scene in the area. Mother Love Bone were big and were writing an album which was hotly anticipated. I got to know them through Sally, who gave me a cassette tape of their demos, and Stargazer was a favourite of mine. Soundgarden were on the scene for a while and I had listened to Louder Than Love more than I probably should have.

This night, however, a new band were due to play.


I had only seen the font of their name advertised around the area, I'd never seen who they were, or heard any music of theirs.
All I know is that Sally had a huge thing for the frontman...Kirk or something? Kirk Cobham? Kirk Cobrain? I honestly forgot.

We walked into the packed out bar, which was smoky and the floors were sticky. A proper dive bar if I had ever seen one.

I had decided to wear some denim overalls and a short sleeved Pixies shirt underneath, paired with my Doc Martens. My blonde hair was in an updo, like a messy bun at the top of my head with sections of hair falling around my face to frame it.
Sally was in a leather skirt, fishnets and stilettos, with a bustier and leather jacket to finish off the look. She had fiery red hair and all the guys fell around her. We were complete opposites, but I think that's why we got along so well. We balanced each other out.

I took my camera with me that evening so I could take some snaps for my portfolio.

"Couldn't you leave that thing at home and have fun for one night?" Sally asks as she is given a cocktail by the bartender.

"I could miss a really good photo op if I did...." I reply.

"Oh come on girl!!! Let your hair down! I still can't believe you are wearing overalls to a night out." She giggles almost with embarrassment.

I'm Not Like Them (A Nirvana Fan Fic - Kurt Cobain! X OFC)Where stories live. Discover now