I Don't Regret a Thing

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WARNING 18+ READERS ONLY-Drug use and Smut warning

After Incinerating the pizza and the oven...we decided to order take out. I had the munchies bad after the weed and the acid, so I needed to eat something. 

Me and Kurt smoked more weed and played more records and I found out I really like this new band called 'Hole' as Kurt played their debut album 'Pretty on the Inside'. We talked more and even wrote some poetry together, some of which he said he might use as lyrics for the next album if I didn't mind, and I thought that idea was awesome.

Our pizza delivery finally arrived and I still only had Kurt's plaid shirt around me and my panties on, which pleased the delivery guy very much. Free Pizza! 

I'm not gonna lie when I say I have eaten half of the large doughy delight to myself. I was so hungry and the drugs didn't help that. Kurt had a few slices and stopped after that as to not aggravate his stomach issues.

We make our way to Kurt's bedroom, we are both completely stoned and drunk, and I have a fit of giggles when I accidentally walk into the door frame.

Kurt checks my head to make sure I'm okay, his hands either side of it, before kissing me on my forehead.

"I know I'm high as fuck, and so are you...but do you wanna be my girlfriend?" he asks.

My fits of giggles seize slightly and whatever is left of my sober self realises what he just said. I look into his eyes to check if he's joking around, to make sure he's not gonna tell me this is some prank he's playing. His eyes, hazy and heavy from the drug intake, look sincere and I smile at him. 

"I'd love that." I reply.

He returns the smile and then kisses me passionately again. 

We stumble into the bedroom, my arms linking at the back of his neck as we continue our kiss, his arms around my waist, pulling me into him. He backs up to the bed and I push him gently onto the mattress. 

He grins at me, propping himself up on his elbows and forearms as his plaid shirt I have on falls to the ground. I then remove my panties and climb on top of Kurt, kissing him from above, while his hands hold my back so I'm closer to him.

I unzip his flies and he pushes his jeans down, revealing his cock. I move down his body to meet his length, and pump my hand up and down the shaft. I lick from his balls up to the tip of his cock, making him shudder with pleasure.

"Fuck...do that again..." He orders, before I do exactly as he says. His moans get me off, and I have to have him between my lips. I've never given a blow job to anyone, but it seems like he is enjoying whatever I'm doing. I know what to do...but first time for everything right?

I wrap my lips around his length and bob my head up and down, starting slow and then speeding up the pace. I gag as his cock hits the back of my throat, but that seems to turn him on more.

"Alana...." Kurt says, his breathing staggered as he nears his climax.

I look up at him, still with my mouth over his member.

"I wanna fuck you again." he states.

I move my mouth off of him and wipe some of my saliva from the corners of my lips.

"How do you want me?" I pout seductively.

"Lie down...spread your legs for me. I want to see your beauty." he says, and I do exactly that. My pussy is throbbing already and insanely wet just at the foreplay and the thought of us being intimate again.

It dawns on me, fuck, I'm Kurt Cobain's girlfriend....this is the first time we'll have sex as an official couple.

Kurt positions himself in between my legs, and grabs his cock, placing it at the entrance of my pussy, teasing me as he rubs my clit with it, before sliding inside.

"Oh god..." I whimper.

He thrusts into me gently, before going faster and harder. I grip onto his back and tilt my head back, eyes closed with pleasure.

"Ahh fuck...you feel so good." Kurt says, continuing his thrusting, backwards and forwards into my soaking core. His eyes looking at me as I experience pure ecstasy .

"Cum inside me..." I say, feeling the moment.

"You want that huh? You want me to empty my load inside you?" Kurt asks teasingly.

"I want it so bad...I want to feel you as we cum together." I reply. I think I'm getting a hang of this dirty talk.

I hear Kurt groan as he gets closer, his thrusts getting quicker and harder.

"Yes!" I say with euphoria washing over me. "I'm cumming...Cum with me...please Kurt..."

Kurt slows his pace and I can feel him twitch inside me before he lets out a breath and shoots his warm liquid into my pussy. I scream as my orgasm tips me over the edge, it feels better than the last time and that was good. Every time me and Kurt have sex, it's like it gets even better.

He collapses on to me and I stroke his hair, kissing the top of his head.

"Alana...I don't know what you do to me...honestly the best fucking sex I've ever had and I'm not just saying that." he states.

"Feels even better that we are a couple..." I smile.

"Fuck Yeah!" he replies.

We kiss and drift off together. Euphoric and feeling happy.

Until I wake up with one hell of a headache the next morning....

I'm Not Like Them (A Nirvana Fan Fic - Kurt Cobain! X OFC)Where stories live. Discover now