You Are The Queen of My Heart

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WARNING 18 + Readers ONLY - Slight smut

We arrive at the bar and I realise as soon as I walk through the door that I feel nervous as hell. I see so many people have turned up, locals to the place and also people from the University as well as many others. I feel nauseous thinking about even getting up in front of all these people.

My eyes glance around and I see Kurt with Krist sitting at a table, drinking some beer. I rush over, leaving Sally and Jeff to do their own thing.

Kurt looks at me and smiles, that gorgeous smile that makes me realise everything will be okay.

I go over and slip onto his lap and we kiss.

"Hey, well you look sexy as fuck." Kurt says, noting my dress and DM's.

"Thanks, it's not too much?" I ask a little self conscious.

"No, you look great." he replies.

"Hey Alana!" Krist says, greeting me with his usual brand of cheekiness.

"Hey Krist!" I respond.

"So when am I gonna get a home video from you two?" he laughs "I'm asking for er...SOMEONE ELSE." he says sarcastically.

I put my index finger to my chin and look like I'm really thinking about this.

" about never...Krist you got a girlfriend!" I laugh in response.

"Yeah it was her...I was asking for her...obviously!" he grins.

Kurt playfully shoves Krist's arm as if to say 'shut up'.

"Ow! Cheap shot man!" Krist says.

"That's what you get for being Krist Novoselic." Kurt smirks.

I laugh at them both and take the cigarette that Kurt has between his index and middle fingers, and bring it to my lips, taking a big draw and then exhaling the smoke to the side.

"Fuck, that's better." I say. 

I give the cigarette back to Kurt, who is giggling at my action. He nuzzles my neck and I feel so good as he does. I smile as he does this and hear Krist say "Get a room".

I look down and see some marks on his arm, I have no idea what they are, but they are almost track marks near the middle where the arm bends.

"I gotta get ready..." I say to Kurt. 

He moans with disappointment as I remove myself from his lap and stand again.

"You get a view of me, that none of these people do...." I tease.

He smiles at me. I melt. I fucking melt for this man.

"See you after the show." He says, before I head off to liaise with my band.

I see Jayne over by the floor where we will perform, getting her guitar ready and checking the sound levels of the microphone with the PA guy.

"Hey girl! Ready?" Jayne asks as I nod and get my bass ready. "Packed out tonight!"

"Yeah, you played to this many people before?" I ask her.

"Yeah a couple times when me and Jim were in other bands. You get used to it...a little too used to it to be honest." she replies.

I nod.

A few minutes later Jayne steps up to the mic as we have all made sure we are ready to play the show.

"Good evening Seattle!" She booms over the mic. "We are Regis Matters....this song is Daisy Do Good."

We play 8 songs, all originals and then a cover to end the evening.

"This song is called About a Girl, it's a cover from a couple of guys who are in the room tonight....Nirvana!" Jayne says enthusiastically. "Oh and Alana here is dating Kurt...."

I look at her after she slips that in like 'what the fuck'! That was definitely not in the plan to say that....oh well, I mean everyone knows anyway. I'll probably get mobbed by some crazy fan girls when I leave tonight... because I'm with their precious Kurt. I joke. Kinda.

After we finish the set, we get loud cheers from the crowd. It feels empowering, good to be noticed by others and applauded for a job done well.

Sally and Jeff come over and congratulate me on my performance.

"You were amazing Al!" She says, hugging me.

"Yeah I had a raging boner throughout..." Jeff smirks while Sally pushes him playfully.

"Jeff, you always have a boner." I reply.

"I'm surrounded by beautiful women...what can I say..." he jokes.

"You are not getting the threesome.." Sally says to him.

I laugh at the interaction.

I head out to the back and pack my bass and my amp up.

"Good show..." I hear a voice behind me.

I smile knowing who it is.

I turn around, still wrapping up my lead up. "You want an autograph?"

Kurt walks towards me and takes the amp lead from me and places it on top of my amp. He then cups the sides of my face with his hands and kisses me passionately, moving me closer to the wall, which I feel myself back up against.

"Uh.." I moan as I hit the solid brick work.

Kurt kisses the sweet spot on my neck and wastes no time hiking up my skirt, while undoing his pants. His cock is erect for me and he enters me, while holding my right leg up to his waist to get a good angle.

This is extremely kinky and I am fucking loving it.

He thrusts into me, his right hand placed on the wall next to my head, while his left arm stays on my leg that is around his waist.

"Fuck..." I say, feeling myself letting go around his member. "I'm cumming..."

Luckily no one else is around backstage as I'm one of the first to pack up, while the other band members get a round of beers in to celebrate our first show.

A scream of pleasure escapes my mouth as I reach my orgasm.

"You're so fucking beautiful...Uh fuck...I'm gonna cum up inside you..." Kurt says, getting caught up in ecstasy. 

I feel his cock twitch inside my pussy as he shoots his warm seed into me, his movements becoming a little lazy now as he relaxes.

His eyes stop on mine and he kisses me again, our foreheads meeting after.

"I love you." He states.

I look at him, a little taken back, my breath hitches.

"Really?" I ask. " You're not just saying that?"

"No Alana, I fucking mean it. I've never loved anyone like this." He admits.

I take my hand and place my palm on his cheek and we kiss again.

"I love you too" I reply.

I'm Not Like Them (A Nirvana Fan Fic - Kurt Cobain! X OFC)Where stories live. Discover now