Even if You Need

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It's hard to explain in this moment how I feel. I'm a bag of nerves but I want this. I have wanted this since I met Kurt and if I'm gonna lose my V card to anyone, it would be to him.

Kurt takes my face in his hands and kisses me passionately, backing me up against the wall. I'm not sure what I'm doing but I let Kurt take the lead. Our tongues meet and I feel butterflies in my stomach, and warmth in my core. He tastes like cigarettes and beer, a combination I never thought I would enjoy, but damn, Kurt makes it pleasurable in everyway.

He stops for a second and pulls his sweater over his head, to reveal a Melvins shirt, which then joins the sweater to form a small pile on the floor. He is very slim, but I could tell that even with his layers of clothing covering his body.

I look at him and bite my lip. He's so handsome.

I feel self conscious, I'm a slim woman but with curvier hips and larger breasts than most other women of my height and weight.

"What's wrong?" he asks noticing that I seem worried.

"If I take off my dress, I'm just worried you'll be put off. I'm not skinny, I'm not a super model. Rock stars are into that type, or at least they seem to be." I reply.

"Hey...I told you I think you're beautiful. I mean that, and I'm not influenced by what other people in my position prefer...We honestly don't have to do this if you aren't ready." Kurt responds, being incredibly patient with me.

I nod. "I really want this."

I take a deep breath and move my hands to the hem of my dress, slowly pulling it up. I reveal my black brazilian panties, which I almost never wear. These are for special occasions and I'm glad I wore them tonight.

I bite the bullet and quickly pull my fitted dress over my head. My push up bra shows my breasts in all their glory.

Kurt's eyes widen at the sight of my body.

At this point I'm in 'fuck it' mode and unhook the back of my bra to release my boobs.

I'm now practically naked apart from some small briefs.

Kurt smiles and scans me up and down. "you're just fucking delightful."

I giggle at his words, 'fucking' and 'delightful' don't often go hand in hand in a sentence but I'm kind of impressed that he managed to do it.

I move closer to him and look at the flies of his ripped jeans.

"Can I?" I ask him.

"Kiss me while you do it." He orders.

God that got me going even more and I'm already wetter than Seattle in Spring Time. We join in a sensual kiss as I scramble to undo the button on his jeans and then the zip below it. We both let out slight moans as we caress each others tongues with our own. Kurt moves his jeans down as I finish undoing them, still locked in our passionate kiss.

He sits on the bed and I straddle him. His mouth pulls away from mine and moves it to my nipple, biting and teasing it, sending me into a frenzy.

"Kurt..." I say, barely audible, eyes closed.

He moves from one breast to the other and flicks his tongue over my nipple with small licks, his lips around it as he does this. While I'm sitting on his lap, I feel his member large and hard for me. 

Kurt moves his lips back to mine again and I move my hand down to his boxers, releasing his cock. My god....it feels rock solid, and this goes in my.....okay, I'm so fucking ready.

Kurt moves his hand to my soaked panties, feeling the outside of the fabric before his hand moves the crotch of the briefs out the way and moves his fingers between my folds.

I gasp into our kiss at his touch, so soft yet firm enough to make my clit tremble under his calloused but dexterous fingers.

I feel him smile into the kiss as I feel some kind of euphoria travel up my body from where he touches me. I feel I have to do something, so I pump his length up and down, making him moan.

"You have a natural talent." He states after pulling away from our kiss.

"So.....so do you....oh god..." I manage to say through the intense pleasure I'm feeling.

The only time I feel this way is when I touch myself, when I need that release, but not like this. I have never felt such pleasure.

Kurt laughs slightly, probably at my really embarrassing faces that I'm making as I experience this feeling.

"You gonna cum for me?" he says, smiling at my reactions.

"Yeah, I'm so close..." I whimper.

He quickens his pace on my clit now and this is the wettest I have ever been in my life.

"Kurt....I....I.....I'm cumming!" I say loudly. A scream escapes me as my orgasm fully takes over.

"Always the quiet ones." he says as I collapse into his arms now after he has moved his fingers from my needy and wet pussy.

I am still trembling from the intensity.

"God you're so fucking perfect." he states.

My eyes meet his again as I come down from my high.

"I want you Kurt...." I respond breathily. "I want you to fuck me."

I finally rid myself of my panties and he does the same with his boxers. I lie down on the bed and spread my legs for him, before he moves between them and above me and kisses me.

"You sure you want this?" He asks me again.

"More than anything right now." I smile. 

He reaches over to the bedside table and slides the draw open, retrieving a condom. Quickly tearing the packaging, he takes the sheath out and rolls it over his dick.

He positions himself to meet my core. His member, so thick, so hard, about to enter me as my pussy longs for him and so do I.

At first it hurts slightly, even though I'm soaked. He eases his cock in gently and then slowly thrusts in and out of me as I lay as trembling mess.

"Fuck, you're so tight" He states.

Kurt speeds up his movements as he penetrates me. My screams of pleasure confirm to him that he is doing an amazing job making me satisfied.

"Kurt...fuck!" I scream as he continues to plough me.

"I'm gonna come pretty soon...you're just so tight...you feel amazing." Kurt says, his breaths staggered and his movements becoming slightly sloppy as he nears his climax.

"Me too...make me cum again Kurt...I beg you!" I reply, feeling like a dirty whore, but right now I couldn't care less. I think I'm a big sex fan, if not, a big fan of sex with Kurt. I think it's the latter.

"You trying to make me cum quickly?" he smirks.

"Only if I get one last climax before you do." I reply, in absolute ecstasy.

A few more thrusts and I am on my second orgasm. It feels so good and I don't want this feeling to stop.

I feel Kurt collapse on top of me. His head resting on my chest as we both come down from our climax. I move my hands to his head and stroke his hair as he kisses my chest.

"Fuck that was good. You're the best fuck I've ever had." Kurt admits much to my surprise.

"It was amazing. You are just saying that, it was my first time..." I reply.

"Yeah but you felt amazing, you look amazing, the connection we have together I've never had with anyone else." he states.

"You're a charmer Mr Cobain" I grin.

His head comes up to meet me and we kiss again before falling asleep in each others arms.

I'm Not Like Them (A Nirvana Fan Fic - Kurt Cobain! X OFC)Where stories live. Discover now