Love Buzz

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Krist leads me to the backstage area where Kurt is and I see him and a few roadies talking.

When me and Krist walk in, Kurt turns to see Krist and before he turns his head back to rejoin his conversation, he double takes at me.

His eyes widen slightly as a small smile appears on his face. He has an old sweater on and ripped Jeans, with a pair of converse.

"Hey guys...Kurt...I think you remember Alana?" Krist says.

I feel nervous at the attention I'm receiving right now. Not only Kurt, but the other four people in the room, have their heads turned my way.

"You a groupie?" One of the roadies ask.

I shake my head.
"No...I'm friends with Chad's girlfriend Sally."

"She was at the Halloween party last know, the one where she ditched Kurt?" Krist laughs, probably more than slightly drunk.

"Well if you ain't gonna ditch us tonight, I'll be your date..." one of the roadies say before laughing with the rest.

I feel so embarrassed.

Kurt takes a deep breath and gets up, heading for the door.

Before he leaves, he brushes past me and says quietly "Meet me outside."

Kurt leaves and I stand looking around at the rest of the people in the room.

"It was nice to meet you." I say, before heading out to meet Kurt.

Once I'm outside, I can't see him immediately, until I turn around the corner. He's leaning up against the wall, puffing on a cigarette.

I walk to meet him, as I do, my stomach is doing back flips at seeing him again. I'm excited but worried he'll be angry that I up and left when I first met him last year.

I walk over and join him, leaning with my back against the wall next to him.

"Hey." He says, pushing off the wall and looking towards me.

"Hi." I respond.

He gets out his box of cigarettes and offers one to me.

"No thanks." I say.

"Not a smoker?" He asks.

"Not really. I will sometimes but I'm not feeling it tonight." I admit.

"Sure." He says, putting the box into his jeans pocket and taking a draw on his.

"Look, I'm really sorry about last year. Sally wanted to go and she dragged me out with her." I explain.

Kurt Laughed.
"After she tried to come on to me?"

"Yep" I smile. "I had plans to come see you guys again, but work and university became hectic so I didn't have much time."

"Don't worry about it. It was kind of a shame as I wanted to give you the demo, but I wasn't offended." He states. "You look different to last time."

"Oh yeah, Sally wanted to play dress up with me so apart from the Doc Martens and my underwear, the Clothing is all hers." I snicker.

"You look nice. I prefer the overalls look when I met you, but you could wear a fucking paper bag and you'd look beautiful." Kurt compliments me and he looks down, like it's territory he's not used to.

"That's really sweet of you to say." I reply.

"It's the truth." He responds.

"I'm kinda awkward at things like this. I tend to be quiet a lot. Sometimes I don't know what to say." I admit.

I'm Not Like Them (A Nirvana Fan Fic - Kurt Cobain! X OFC)Where stories live. Discover now