Come As You Are

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WARNING 18+ READERS ONLY!!- Drug use and Smut warning

I get to Kurt's at around 6.30 after getting a cab from outside the coffee shop. I knock at the door and straighten myself out before he opens it.

"Hey" He smiles.

"Hi." I reply with a flirtatious look.

He steps aside and I walk in, I can hear some music coming from the lounge and instantly recognise who it is. I follow the sound to his record player as he follows behind and see R.E.M.'s 'Document' spinning.

"I love this album." I state and start singing along to 'Welcome to the Occupation'.

"Yeah? You an R.E.M. fan? They are one of the most interesting bands I've ever listened to, Michael Stipe has one of the most distinctive voices in rock music." Kurt says.

"I love them and I totally agree with you. Document is my favourite album of theirs so far. When I was back in the UK it was the soundtrack to my summer in '87 and everytime I hear it, I'm kind of transported back." I respond with enthusiasm at how this album pretty much changed my life.

"The Pixies and are a woman with great taste." Kurt replies. "Please tell me you like Mudhoney and The Vaselines?"

"Are you kidding me? I saw The Vaselines in '87 when they did a show in London. That's when I lived in the UK. I love 'Molly's Lips', I can't help but dance when that comes on." I say. Kurt must think I'm a dork with how much I'm smiling at our discussion about our similar musical tastes.

"You know what? I've wanted to cover that song for a while. I was thinking of adding it to an EP or something." Kurt adds as he grabs a box of Marlboros from the side and takes a cigarette out. "Want one?" he asks.

"Oh fuck it, sure." I smile. Wow rebellious Alana this evening. Where has this woman been locked away?

I take a cigarette and place it between my lips, as Kurt lights the end of it with his Zippo. I take a draw of it and just a little after I remove it with my index and middle fingers, I exhale the smoke to the side. He does the same with his own cigarette and looks at me, his eyes studying mine and looking at my lips. He moves closer to me and takes my chin with his thumb and index finger, lifting my face up to meet his as we kiss gently. I feel sparks as our lips connect and my eyes close, taking in and enjoying every moment of this gesture of appreciation for each other.

As our kiss comes to an end, we part our lips from each others and I look at him, biting my bottom lip, wanting more.

"I've never enjoyed a kiss as much as when I kiss your lips." He admits.

"Really?" I say feeling a little shy now but honoured that he feels that way. "I feel the same about you."

"Good." He smiles.

" said something about pizza and beer?" I say, feeling ridiculously hungry after my shift.

Kurt chuckles slightly. "Yeah, I got us a large oven pizza to share. Although my stomach has been killing me so I'm not sure if I'll have much." We both walk to the kitchen, to prepare dinner.

"Aww no, why's that? Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, it's been a constant thing for a while now. Fucking annoying but weed helps a little and some acid every now and then." He replies.

"Have you been to a doctor?" I ask him.

"Yeah, it's always the same thing 'they can't do much for stomach pain' or 'identify what triggers it', but that's why I go to a fucking doctor, I don't know why I'm in pain." Kurt says frustratingly. "Self medication seems to help...until I inevitably get used to it."

I'm Not Like Them (A Nirvana Fan Fic - Kurt Cobain! X OFC)Where stories live. Discover now